10 things we can do with Copilot

  • Windows 11 Copilot makes multilingual communication easier, allowing users to interact in any language.
  • Provides answers to general knowledge questions and the ability to simplify complex concepts.
  • It includes creative features such as text generation, layouts, and email writing.
  • Helps with leisure time planning by providing recommendations for travel and cultural activities.


The implementation of Copilot en Windows 11 Last summer marked a turning point in Microsoft's history: the inclusion of the Artificial Intelligence in your operating system. Although at first it was limited to acting through a virtual assistant, now its horizons have expanded. That is why we have prepared this article in which we list 10 things you can do with Copilot.

In this AI, we are only taking the first steps. What we discuss below is just a preview of many other wonders that we will undoubtedly see in the future. Far from fearing or being skeptical about this revolutionary technology, we firmly believe that it is a change that will bring many positive aspects. These are just some examples:

Speak in any language

copilot languages

By default, Copilot addresses the user in the language configured on the device on which it is used. However, we can make it speak to us in any other language we want.

The way to achieve this is extremely simple. All you have to do is start writing to Copilot in any other language on the prompt. Automatically, The AI ​​will detect the new language and use it in its responses. It also allows us to translate single sentences, paragraphs and even complete texts.

Although it is foreseeable that this will expand progressively over time, the current language list that Copilot handles is the following: German, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Korean, Danish, Spanish, Finnish, French, Greek, English, Hindi, Dutch, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese , Russian, Swedish, Thai and Turkish.

General knowledge questions

Anyone who is used to using Alexa for all kinds of questions will be amazed at everything they can do with Copilot. All our doubts will be answered, because AI will be in charge of finding the answers we are looking for on the internet and explain them to us in detail.

Not only that. If the answers are too complex, we have the option to simplify them by writing, for example, "e"Explain it to me as if I were five years old" or "Explain it to me in simpler words". Likewise, if we want to have a little fun, we can ask Copilot to give us the explanation by imitating a famous voice, in verse form, or using a specific accent.

Logo design and drawing

In the list of the 10 things we can do with Copilot there is one that will undoubtedly be very useful for professionals in the world of graphic and commercial design. Since AI includes DALL-E 3 completely free, it is possible ask them to make drawings from texts.

To do so, you must write “Drawing” in the prompt and then describe exactly what we want it to draw. The more precise and exhaustive we are in our description, the more refined the result will be.

This ability to create images can also be used for something as complex as design of logos, icons, stickers and other resources.

Improved texts

copilot text correction

Text generation is one of Copilot's star functions. AI is capable of write essays of different lengths and with greater or lesser depth, depending on the instructions you receive from us.

In addition to this, it is possible to ask you to write the text in a certain tone: formal, funny, professional, etc. It is also possible to ask Copilot to review a text and enter grammatical or stylistic modifications, as well as other improvements.

Another thing to mention is the ability of AI to analyze and structure a text, entering titles, subtitles, listings and other elements.

Literary creation

A step beyond Copilot's writing capabilities: We can ask you to write short stories or stories based on a series of previous data and indications. The same works for us create poems or songs.

As we said before, the quality of the result will depend largely on the accuracy and amount of details that we provide to the AI ​​to carry out its mission. Without a doubt, this ability is the one that can have the most impact on us, pushing us to ask ourselves if this type of artificial intelligence has any limits.

Health Tips

Go ahead and say that it is a good idea to replace your family doctor with artificial intelligence, although it is also true that Copilot can help us a lot when it comes to take care of our health through practical advice and recommendations.

Not only does it give us information about symptoms of diseases and some prevention tips, but it analyzes the effect of foods and diets on our body, as well as providing physical exercises and habits to improve our general fitness and lead a longer life. fury. Without a doubt, this is one of the 10 things to do with Copilot that will be most useful to us in our daily lives.

New Excel formulas

Learn how to split Excel cells

For those who regularly use Excel at home or at work, these are the 10 most interesting things to do with Copilot. And it is also possible to request your help to create formulas with which to save time and effort.

An example: in the prompt we write something similar to "I need an Excel formula to get the average value of a range of data." Copilot will tell us what formula we can use and will explain to us how to understand it. But if our request is more complicated, we will also be able to generate new formulas that don't even exist in Excel.

Email writing

Related to what we have commented before regarding Copilot's writing capabilities, we must highlight its ability to write perfectly correct and effective emails. En el prompt We must specify, among other things, the content, the details of the recipient, the final objective of the sending and the tone we want to use.

The same guidelines apply to asking Copilot to prepare a post on social networks, a script for a YouTube video, etc.

Preparation of tutorials

We have already said that Copilot is capable of carrying out incredible actions. Among them, there is also that of prepare any type of tutorial on the topic that we ask for. As always, we have to be concrete and precise in our request.

The tutorial or guide that Copilot provides us will be more or less extensive or complex depending on the topic it deals with and the degree of accuracy that we have chosen. The best thing is that it will be accompanied by practical links to web pages to expand information and get new resources.

Leisure time planning

leisure copilot

We finish our list of 10 things to do with Copilot with a really interesting feature: plan our leisure time. How is this possible? There are several ways to use AI to our advantage. For example, if we are thinking about a trip, with a couple of questions, we will get ideas and information to find cheap tickets and ideas to discover a destination.

We can also ask you if a country is safe to travel to, what time of year is best, what clothes to pack, etc.

On the other hand, facing our weekends and free time, Copilot is excellent at recommending series, movies, concerts, festivals, excursions, video games and all types of recreational and cultural events, with their schedules, prices and highlights.

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