3 little tricks to make our Firefox fly

  • Removing unnecessary extensions reduces resource consumption.
  • Minimizing Firefox helps reduce RAM usage.
  • Limiting the cache helps for better performance.
  • Making tweaks improves your browsing experience in Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox

Web browsers have grown considerably in recent months as well as their need for resources, resources that do not usually grow in the same way on our computer. That is why I tell you three simple tricks that we can use in our Mozilla Firefox and that will significantly speed up our browser or resource consumption will be less than other times being able to use Windows for other functions.

These tricks only work in Mozilla Firefox, They are not compatible with other browsers, although the first of them could be applied to any other browser since it does not depend on technology but on a bit of common sense.

Goodbye extensions and add-ons

Yes, the use of themes is precious and plugins such as the direct access to Faebook are very interesting but useless and at the same time overload the consumption of resources used by the browser. Therefore, a first step is to clean the browser of unnecessary plugins, add-ons that we can access through web pages or customization themes that make Windows have to move more files and more data. Come on there leave it almost clean and use only what is necessary like a pdf file reader or some ad blocker.

Reduce ram memory when browser is minimized

It is clear that if we minimize the browser or any other program, it is to not use it at that time. Well, in Firefox there is an option that allows reduce memory consumption when the browser is minimized.

To do this, we have to write "about: config" in the address bar and right-click anywhere. In the menu that appears we go to New-> yes / no. In the window that appears we write as the name «config.trim_on_minimize » and in its value we write «True». We save everything, restart Firefox and that's it.

Reduce browser cache memory

Both Mozilla Firefox and Chrome or IE store large data in their cache, even reaching a gig of data. That is why we not only have to clear the cache but we also have to reduce the size of the space that the browser uses to make this object more manageable by the system. So we open a tab in Mozilla Firefox and type "about: Config" in the address bar. Then, in Search we look for «browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewer »Once we have found this entry, we modify it to 0. Save and that's it. Now our web browser will reduce the cache memory that it will use, and it may be smaller than it is currently.


These three tricks they are not the only ones that allow us to speed up our Mozilla FirefoxHowever, they do work significantly and can improve our web browsing as well as the behavior of our Windows. If despite this they are still heavy, we may have to opt for a lighter web browser.

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