Copilot in Word will make it easier to review and rewrite texts

Woman sitting on the floor with her laptop.

Copilot, Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool, is becoming increasingly sophisticated. We can now count on Copilot in Word and now we can talk about a before and after in the creation of texts.

Because it will help us write, but it is also very useful for revision and even for rewriting texts. If you are not using this tool yet, get ready to discover everything it offers you.

A new era of productivity

Computer keyboard.

Creating texts can be a slow and tedious task that takes up a large part of your work day or study time. However, that is changing with Copilot.

Because by using this tool we can enhance both our creativity and our productivity when writing and editing documents.

Copilot uses machine learning algorithms that allow it to understand the context of the document and offer you personalized suggestions as you work on it. Suggestions can range from simple grammatical correction to generating a complete paragraph.

Key Copilot features in Word

Woman working on her computer and taking notes by hand.

This tool can help us at different levels:

text generation

You can use it to make a initial draft of the document from scratch and thus obtain useful ideas on the topics you should cover.

For example, if you say, “I want to write an email to thank a customer for their purchase,” it will give you a basic structure for such an email.

It can also help you complete sentencesIf you're stuck in the middle of a sentence and you're not sure how to finish it so it can be understood correctly, let AI do the work.

You can go one step further and let Copilot directly create a original contentHowever, we do not recommend that you use it at a professional or academic level, because all AIs end up producing rather flat and similar texts. What you can do is use that document as a base and then customize and improve it.

Editing and rewriting

We all worry about submitting a text that contains spelling or grammatical errors, but with Copilot in Word the risk of this happening is minimal.

Because it helps you identify and correct errors, and even gives you options to improve the clarity and conciseness of your writing.

By combining your talent and creativity with Copilot's technical know-how, you can create texts of the highest quality.

If you need it, you can also ask him to help you. summarize documents very long. Ask him/her to extract the most important points so that you don't have to spend more time than necessary reading long and tedious documents.

Another interesting feature is the one that allows us to rewrite texts. If you need a new version of a text, or you simply want to change some phrases to make it easier to understand or to change the style or tone, let Microsoft AI do the task.

Organization and structure

If your document is long, it is better to use tables and lists to make it easier for your readers to understand the text.

The great thing about Copilot in Word is that you no longer have to do this task manually. The wizard can create tables from data that appear in the document, as well as numbered or bulleted lists.

If you've created a draft and jotted down scattered ideas, Copilot can quickly organize that information into a logical structure and create to-do lists.

Personalization and style

Copilot is a great assistant in writing, because it is able to give you style tips for your writing, helping you with word choice and sentence structure.

It is even capable of creating citations and bibliographical references following different citation styles such as APA or MLA.

If all this were not enough, you can also ask him to help you Adapt the tone of your document for a specific audienceFor example, writing may become more formal if you are preparing a report for your company's board of directors, or the text may be more entertaining if the recipients are a group of teenagers.

A practical example of how to use Copilot in Word

Woman working with her laptop.

To interact with this AI you can write your requests directly in the dialog box, although it also has a graphical interface with predefined options to perform different tasks and, of course, you can use voice commands.

Imagine I want to write a report on climate change, what I could do in this case would be something like this:

  • Ask Copilot to generate a map for me initial draft on the causes of climate change.
  • From there, I can start looking for specific information about those causes and write the text.
  • As this is a complex and difficult topic to follow, I can ask Copilot to create a table comparing CO2 emissions of the major developed countries in the last five years.
  • If any of the paragraphs are too convoluted for me and I can't figure out the best way to express my idea, I can let Copilot do this job. I could give it a command similar to this "Rewrite this paragraph to make it more concise and easier to understand."
  • In case I don't know exactly how to put the finishing touch to my text, I can ask the AI ​​to give me different ideas to make the conclusion.
  • When finished, it would be advisable to ask for a Complete review at grammar and spelling level, as well as eliminating or replacing the words that I have repeated too many times throughout my text.
  • If I have used quotes or certain bibliographical references, I will ask you to include them at the end of the document.

Copilot in Word is here to make your life much easier when you have to write a document of any type and style. Hard work and creativity still depend on us, but with this tool we will gain in productivity and achieve a text of the highest possible quality.

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