How Google Meet's new AI works for note-taking

  • Google Meet enables secure video conferencing and is easy to use from any device.
  • New AI “Take notes for me” generates automatic meeting summaries.
  • AI transcribes, organizes and identifies key points to facilitate review.
  • Advantages such as time savings and greater precision improve productivity at work.

Google Meet logo

Google Meet is one of the most widely used tools in the professional field for holding video conferences, and that's why they haven't stopped improving it. One of the latest developments to arrive is this one that we're going to talk to you about today: the Google Meet AI, with which taking notes will be much easier.

Because she'll be the one doing all the hard work. That way, we can focus on the conversation and forget about taking notes, without fear of missing anything important. Let's see how it works.

What is Google Meet?

google meet with AI

It is a video conferencing platform that was originally part of Google Hangouts, but is now an independent service. Through it we can hold virtual meetings, seeing and hearing all participants in real time; while we can share the screen, send chat messages or record sessions.

Google Meet has managed to overtake other competing platforms, and it has done so thanks to some of its most notable advantages:

  • It integrates seamlessly with other applications Google like Calendar or Drive.
  • It is accessible from any device that has an Internet connection and does not require the installation of any additional software, because it is accessed directly from the web browser.
  • Google Meet is a guarantee of security, because it encrypts all communications. On the other hand, it gives a high level of control to the host, who decides on the admission or rejection of the participants in the conversation.
  • Meetings can be held with up to 250 people in the free version, and even more participants are supported in the business and education versions.
  • It is an accessible tool, because it automatically generates subtitles in real time of what is being said. This makes it easier for people with hearing difficulties to interact.
  • In the paid versions, it is possible to record conversations to review them later or share them with other people.
  • Its interface is very simple and easy to use.
  • It is possible to use this communication platform without having a Google account.

Google Meet's AI is the latest innovation

Introducing Google Meet's latest AI

Although you can also use this tool for your personal relationships, it is usually used within the professional and academic field, and we already know that in this type of meetings things are said that are important to take note of.

With the latest update from Google Meet, you can forget about taking notes, because now Artificial Intelligence will do it for you. It will generate an automatic summary of all the key points discussed during the meeting.

This new feature is called “Take notes for me,” and it has become a reality thanks to GeminiIt is currently only available to select users and for conversations in English, but will be rolled out globally very soon.

In order not to intrude on our privacy, the tool will only take notes if we expressly activate it. If we activate “Take notes for me”, the AI ​​will record all the important information in a Google Docs file that is saved directly in our Drive. In addition, if you activate recordings and transcriptions, these records are also linked to that document. In this way, You have all the important information at your fingertips, without you having to make any additional effort.

What can you do?

meeting on google meet

Google Meet AI is designed to make our work easier and allow us to be 100% focused on meetings. It is responsible for:

Automatically transcribe

AI listens to everything that is said and converts it directly into written text, so that you can later access a full transcript of the conversation.

Identify key points

Is able to identify the most important issues discussed during the conversation. For example, the tasks assigned to each team member or the decisions that have been made.

Generate a summary

Based on the transcript and the identification of key points, prepare a very concise summary. This allows us to quickly review what happened during the meeting.

Organize notes by topic

AI not only takes notes, but is also able to organize them logically. You can search them based on keywords or specific topics. and quickly locate what you need.

Add timestamps

“Take notes for me” links each note to the specific moment in the meeting when it was said. So if you need to review the recording, you can jump straight to the exact moment you’re interested in, which is a huge time saver.

What are the benefits of Google Meet's AI note-taking?

Now that you know a little more about it, you surely already have a clear idea of ​​how it can help you in your daily life. However, here is a small list of the advantages that we can achieve by using it in our professional meetings:

  • Save time. Because we no longer have to take notes by hand during meetings and can devote our full attention to what the participants are saying.
  • Greater precision. Automatic transcription and AI note-taking are much more effective at capturing relevant information than we are when taking notes by hand. Makes searching easier. Thanks to the note-taking system and search function, locating information regarding a certain topic is now much faster and easier.
  • Higher productivity. It allows us to always have at hand all the relevant information discussed in work meetings, which facilitates decision-making and better execution of the tasks assigned to us.

However, keep in mind that this is not an infallible tool (none are). AI may have difficulty doing its job if there is a lot of ambient noise or if the internet connection is unstable. In addition, it may find it difficult to understand certain technical terms or professional jargon specific to your sector of activity, but We are sure that this will improve over time.

The advantages of Google Meet's AI for note-taking far outweigh its limitations, so we're sure it's going to be one of the features you'll use the most in the future, because it can make your job much easier.

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