How to delete a page in Google Docs

  • Deleting pages in Google Docs improves the presentation and organization of the document.
  • Blank pages are often the result of unnecessary spaces or breaks.
  • Using consistent templates and styles helps create quality documents.
  • Checking grammar and spelling is essential before sharing final documents.

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Google has long since made available to users a complete workspace where we can create text documents, spreadsheets and much more. If you regularly use these tools, it is worth knowing all the tricks to get the most out of them. So, let's see how delete a page in Google Docs.

If after working for a while you have realized that there is a page in your document that you should delete, you can do it quickly and easily. We will tell you how.

In which cases do we have to delete a page in Google Docs?

Person sitting with a laptop on his legs

There are different reasons that can lead us to have this need:

Format errors

Sometimes extra pages are created as a result of white space or unnecessary page breaks. By removing these extra pages that have no content, we achieve that the document is clean and tidy.

irrelevant content

When we create a long document, we may realize at the end that we have added content that was not really necessary. In this case, what we can do is eliminate those pages that do not add any quality to the final version.

Revisions and editions

During the editing process of a long text, it is quite common to delete pages. Generally, this is because the content of the pages is unnecessary or because the information has become obsolete and has been replaced by more up-to-date information.

Consolidation of information

If when adjusting the format you decide that it is a good idea to combine two sections or chaptersYes, you will most likely be left with blank pages or pages with irrelevant content that are best removed.

Improve the presentation

Deleting pages that are not needed gives a cleaner, more professional look to the document. This is especially important if it is a text that you are preparing for professional or academic purposes.

Preparing for printing

If you are preparing the document to print, it is a good idea to review it first and remove any blank pages or pages that contain notes that do not need to be kept in paper format.

Less is more

When preparing a document, we recommend that you try to keep the length as small as possible and not include more content than is really necessary. A shorter and more concise document is more user-friendly and easier to understand. In addition, if it is viewed online, it is easier to navigate. Therefore, if you think you have gone too far, do not hesitate and delete pages.

Steps to delete a page in Google Docs

Example of how to delete a page from Google Docs

Here are several solutions:

How to delete a blank page in Google Docs

If you want to delete a blank page, follow these steps:

  • Open the Google Docs file.
  • Place the cursor at the end of the page immediately preceding the one you want to delete.
  • Press the Backspace key repeatedly until the blank page disappears. Alternatively, you can select the blank space and press the Delete key.

As an extra tip, if you want to avoid those annoying blank pages appearing in your document, try doing the following:

  • Check section breaks, because they are often the ones that generate blank pages.
  • Check for page breaks and remove them to eliminate extra white space.
  • Leave the document unformatted until you are finished working with it.

How to remove a page break

As we said, a manually inserted page break can end up creating an additional page. To identify where that break is, you have to activate the “Format Marks” display, you will reach this option by following the path: View > Show Formatting Marks.

Once you locate the page break, which will be displayed as a horizontal line in your document, place the cursor just before it and press the Delete or Backspace key.

How to remove unwanted content

If content that you don't want to appear in the final version of the document is taking up an additional page, “killing” it is as simple as selecting the text and press the Delete or Backspace key.

If the page had no more content than what you selected and deleted, it should disappear. If not, what you have now is a blank page, and We have already seen how to remove it before.

How to adjust the content

If the reason for having an extra page is that the content does not fit on a certain number of pages, you can try adjusting the formatting.

  • Change the font type or size of the letter to make it smaller and thus avoiding extra leaves.
  • Adjust the margins of your document to make them smaller so that more words fit on each line.

When making these types of adjustments, check afterwards that the document is still legible and has a clean and professional appearance. However, to avoid any "scares" we recommend that before making any important adjustments to your documents you make a backup copy of them. This way, if something goes wrong, you can recover the previous version.

Tips for creating quality documents when working with Google Docs

Woman working on a laptop

To create high-quality documents, be sure to follow these tips:

  • Use templates to keep your entire document formatted from start to finish. Google Docs offers a wide variety of free templates that you can view and select from on the “Template Gallery”.
  • Use consistent headings and styles to structure your document. Title, H2 for headings, and H3 for subheadings. Make sure you use the same font size and type throughout your document.
  • Use lists and tables. They help you organize information and make reading and understanding easier.
  • Check spelling and grammar. Before you put your document in the hands of third parties, make sure that the grammar and spelling are perfect. To do this, you can activate the review tool which has Google Docs integrated.

Deleting a page in Google Docs is easy, but it's also easy to take care of the formatting and writing to get good results. We hope you find these tips useful in making your documents more professional than ever.

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