How to create a survey on WhatsApp Web?

whatsapp surveys

Are you planning a dinner party and you have to choose the menu together? Do you have to give a group gift and you want to know the ideas and opinions of others? Polls are the most suitable WhatsApp tool for such purposes. In this post we are going to explain How to make a survey on WhatsApp Web, with some tricks that can be of great help to you.

Let's face it: WhatsApp groups are very useful and fun, but for some things they can become a nightmare. When it comes to group decisions, bombarding each member with messages and audios with their ideas and opinions is not practical. Let's be practical: let's do a survey. Everything will be easier this way.

In short, and advantages which reports to us the fact of being able to conduct surveys in whatsapp web are the following: more comfort, more speed when making group decisions and more fluidity when managing especially large groups.

whatsapp web

To start preparing the survey, we will need to have Web WhatsApp open and connected to our account. This tool can be accessed by scanning the QR code from our mobile (see image above), through the option "Linked devices" of the application itself.

Please note that this feature is only available in the most recent versions of WhatsApp, so if you are using an older version, you will need to update it.

Create a survey on WhatsApp Web, step by step

whatsapp surveys

Now that the preliminary questions have been resolved, these are the steps to create a survey on WhatsApp Web:

  1. We opened the WhatsApp group where we want to include the survey.
  2. Then we click on the clip icon, which is located at the bottom right of the chat window.
  3. Among the different file and tool options that are displayed, we select “Survey”.
  4. Now, We set up the questions and the answer options.*
  5. Then We choose the type of survey that we wish to pose: of the “YES or NO” type or with several response options.
  6. Lastly, We sent the survey so that it appears in the chat and group members can start voting.

(*) As for the different response options, we can add as many as we want using the "Add response" button. These options can also be presented in the order we decide, moving them up or down.

To vote, participants simply click on the option or options they prefer. The results are visible in real time, so that any member of the group can know which option is winning. It is also possible change the vote at any time, as long as the survey is active and has not yet closed.

Tips for designing surveys on WhatsApp Web

here are some tips For our survey to be effective:

  • It is advisable to include a presentation text to focus the issue. For example: «We are organizing a dinner. Please vote on which day suits you best».
  • The most advisable is ask a simple and direct question. You have to be specific and avoid ambiguities.
  • It is important limit the number of optionsIn this case, the old dogma of less is more applies. 4 or 5 possible answers at most is better than an endless list of options.
  • It is also recommended set a time limit for responses, so that the survey does not take longer than necessary.
  • It is always good to give an original and fun touch to voting, using icons instead of text, etc.
  • Finally, don't forget Communicate the final result of the survey and thank members for their participation.

Alternatives to WhatsApp Web surveys

google forms

Although this WhatsApp functionality is really practical, there are Other alternatives worth exploring if we are looking for a more sophisticated tool, with more advanced features (such as creating anonymous surveys, with different colors and styles, or with multiple questions included).

Here are some good options to quickly design surveys and share the link in our WhatsApp group:

Google Forms

It is a professional quality option. As its name suggests, Google Forms It is used to create all kinds of forms, and can also add photos or videos to questions, as well as different response styles. Total versatility. Once the survey is created, just share the link in the WhatsApp Web group

Link: Google Forms

Polls for WhatsApp

It is a Application designed specifically to create surveys on WhatsApp, available in major app stores. The operation of Polls for WhatsApp There's no secret: you have to create a survey and share the generated link in our WhatsApp group. It's that easy.

Link: Polls for WhatsApp


Another simple and straightforward tool for designing quick surveys. This handy online resource works like the other options on this list, and while it doesn't offer as many customization possibilities, StrawPoll It is very agile and easy to use.

Link: StrawPoll

All of these are excellent options, although they will always be behind WhatsApp's native solution in one aspect: they are not integrated into the application.

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