How to put a low bar on the computer?


It is known as underscore, underscore and even long dash. We are referring to the "_" sign, which is so often used on the Internet. In this post we are going to explain How to put a low bar on the computer, since the way to do it is not always the same on all keyboards.

First, let's review the main uses of this sign. Then we'll see what options we have to write it, either with a computer keyboard (Windows or Mac) or from a mobile phone.

As we show in the following paragraphs, the way to write the hyphen or underscore will depend above all on what the operating system installed on our device, but also from the our keyboard layout and the language setting.

What is the purpose of the underscore in a text?

The situations in which we will need to write an underscore or underscore when we are using the computer or mobile phone may be the following:

  • To replace spaces between words when the program does not support themA very common case is when we have to create an email address and we want to separate the first and last name. For example:
  • Also used When the device we are using does not allow inserting quotation marks or lacks italic format. In this case, the underscore replaces the quotation marks. For example: _Week 1_
  • Finally, it is suitable for use in the forms to fill in, when blank spaces must be left to fill in. For example: First name _________ Last name_________________ .

As you can see, the underscore has more uses than it may seem at first glance. It is worth knowing how to use it. So let's see how to use it:

Putting an underscore on a Windows keyboard

shift key

First, we explain the method for inserting the underscore on a Windows keyboard, which is also extensible to most keyboards:

  1. To begin, you need to locate the key Shift (or Shift), which usually appears on these keyboards as an upward-pointing arrow symbol.
  2. Then we locate the underscore key (_)), which is located on the same key as the regular dash (-), although marked at the top of the key.
  3. Once both keys are located, you must press Shift + underscore to write the underscore like this.

Important: If we are using a keyboard in English, French or any other language other than Spanish, the method is exactly the same, although the position of the underscore may be different in them. this post We explain what you have to do to change the keyboard language setting.

Another option that we can also use is to use the ASCII code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), which by the way has combinations for almost any action we want to perform with a keyboard. In the case at hand, the insertion of the underscore, the key combination we must use is Alt+9+5.

Putting an underscore on Mac and Linux keyboards

Although this blog is focused on Windows, if we ever find ourselves using a Mac, this is the way we can use to put the underscore: simply You have to hold down either of the Shift keys (the ones that show an up arrow) while pressing the dash key. That is, exactly the same as in Windows.

The method varies in case of computers Linux. It is a bit more complex. To carry out this action you have to apply the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + u. Then, without releasing these keys, you have to write the code 5F. Finally, we release all the keys and the underscore will appear written.

Setting the bar low on Android and iOS

There is no single method, as each manufacturer applies its own and sometimes it changes depending on which version of Android is used. These are the most common methods:

  • Holding down the key "Y" (underscore appears as a secondary option).
  • By pressing the key marked "!#1» (in other models it may be «?123″ or “123” to open the special button options, where we will see (_).
  • Simply by holding down the space bar for a few seconds.

With some minor variations, these methods are equally valid for iPhone and iPad keyboards.

Other resources

Screen keyboard

Finally, in case the systems explained above do not work, there are some Tricks that can be used to write the underscore. Here are some ideas:

  • Copy and paste: Copy the underscore from some text we have on hand and paste it in the place where we want to use it.
  • Open the virtual keyboard or floating keyboard (option only available in Windows 10 and Windows 11) and use the key combination Shift + «-«. Here We explain how to do it.

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