How to remove the background of an image and make it transparent

  • Removing the background of an image is useful in presentations and graphic content.
  • There are several free online tools to easily perform this task.
  • GIMP is a powerful software, but it requires more practice to use effectively.
  • Artificial intelligence can simplify the process through tools like Pixelcut.

Nowadays, you don't need to be an expert in photo editing programs to make adjustments to your photos. With a few simple skills, you can obtain perfect images to include in your documents or personal projects. If you want to know more, How to remove the background from an image and make it transparent, you have come to the right place.

Take note and in the few minutes it takes you to read this article you will have become a specialist. You will be surprised at how easy it is!

When might it be necessary to remove the background of an image and make it transparent?

Knowing and knowing how to apply this type of editing can be useful in different circumstances:

Creating graphic content

It can help you create designs and posts for social media, highlighting only the elements of design that interests you at any given time.

If you're making a professional presentation, removing the background also helps keep your audience's attention on key information and helps maintain the overall aesthetics of your document.

Image composition

To make a collage and combine several photos, one of the first steps you have to take if you want To achieve a good result is to eliminate the funds. This way you can make the images integrate more harmoniously.

Advertising material

In marketing and promotional material it is very common to remove backgrounds and replace them with a transparent layer to highlight the products and facilitate its adaptation to catalogues and presentations.

Also, when working with a logo, it is essential that the image has a transparent background so that it can be superimposed. on other backgrounds and the result is perfect.

Photo Editing

This editing skill can be used in photo retouching, because when we remove the background what we do is highlight the protagonist of the photograph. And also It helps you create sticker-type images or avatars.

How to remove the background from an image: the best alternatives

Let's see what tools we have at our disposal for free and can use to remove the background from our photos or images and replace it with a transparent one.


Removing transparent background from a group of people with Canva

Without a doubt, it is one of the most recommended tools for making this type of edits. All you have to do is access their website and create a free account if you don't have one already.

Now look for the “Create a design” option and select the dimensions that the project you are going to work on will have. Now click on “Upload files” (you will see it in the left panel) and select the image you want to work with.

Select the image and in the top menu go to “Effects” > “Remove Background”. Canva will process the photo and automatically remove the background. When you're done, you can download the result.

When downloading, make sure to choose PNG format for the image and check the “Transparent background” option.

Try Canva

Woman losing with transparent background before and after

When it comes to how to remove the background from an image, it is impossible not to mention, because it is a tool designed specifically for this task.

It's free, fully automatic, and so easy to use that even a child can do it. All you have to do is click on “Upload image” or directly drag the file you want to work with onto the page. The tool will do its job and remove the background.

If necessary, to achieve better results you can use the editing tools and delimit the area to work on.

Finally, all you have to do is download the image with a transparent background and use it in all the projects where it is needed.



Gimp Software

GIMP is a free, open-source software specialized in image editing. It is available for Windows, macOS, Linux and other operating systems and, being free software, each user can modify its source code and distribute the changes introduced among the rest of the users.

Being a tool intended for photo editing, it can be a little more complicated than those we have seen before, but with a little practice you can become an expert. Not only will you know how to remove the background of an image and make it transparent, but you will also be able to use it to create a beautiful photo. you will be able to do many more things.

To remove backgrounds and make them transparent you have to follow these steps:

  • Download e install GIMP on your device.
  • Load the image.
  • Add Alpha Channel. To do this, follow the path Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel. This is what will allow the image to have transparency.
  • Using the Fuzzy Selection Tool (the Magic Wand) or the Rectangle Selection Tool, select the background and then press the Delete key to remove it.
  • Go to File > Export As and select PNG to get your image with a transparent background.

As you can see, although you have to take a few more steps than with the previous tools, it is not difficult to obtain a good result.



If you want another simple and fast tool, then you can try Pixelcut. Its particularity is that it uses Artificial Intelligence, so it detects which object is the protagonist of the image and It is responsible for automatically deleting everything else that appears in it.

In addition, from its platform you have the option of leaving the background transparent or adding other backgrounds of your choice. And it offers you other editing options that are also quick and easy to use, such as improving the image, removing certain objects or changing the color.

To work with her, you just have to upload the image or drag it to the box you see on her website. You tell her what you want to do and she will make the adjustments. Then you download your image in PNG format and you can use it.

Pixelcut Test

You just found out that when it comes to how to remove the background from an image, the easiest way is to have a suitable tool to do this precision job. Luckily, we can find many online that work effectively, quickly and, in addition, they are totally free.

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