How to use an iMac as a Windows PC monitor?

iMac as a PC monitor

Is it possible to take advantage of the high quality of iMac screens even if we use Windows? In principle, it all depends on the model and the compatibility and configuration options of the systems. The answer is yes: it is possible. Using an iMac as a Windows PC Monitor, although for it to work properly, it must be done right.

This article will be of great help to you in using an iMac as a monitor for a Windows PC. It is very important to pay attention to the necessary requirements and follow to the letter the indications that we show you below.

Previous requirements

The first thing we must do to know if we can carry out this operation is to check that the iMac we are going to use supports the screen sharing mode (Target display mode). This mode is what makes it possible to use them as an external monitor.

The problem is that not all models have this function, only those that were launched between 2009 and 2014. This is the List of compatible iMacs:

  • 27-inch iMac (2009 and 2010 models).
  • 21,5-inch and 27-inch iMac (2011, 2012, and 2013).
  • 27-inch iMac (2014, non-Retina resolution only).

On the other hand, it should be noted that the models with Retina display that have appeared since 2014, as well as the models with M1 and M2 processors are incompatible. That means to use them as Windows PC monitors An adapter or third-party software will be required (we'll talk about that later).

In addition, to be able to use an iMac as a PC monitor, you need to have a wired connection. For models before 2011, a cable is required mini DisplayPort; for later models, a connection is required Thunderbolt.

On the other hand, depending on the output port on the PC (DisplayPort, Thunderbolt or HDMI), adapters may be necessary.

Using an iMac as a Windows PC monitor step by step

iMac as a PC monitor

Once the requirements have been reviewed, we can now begin the process itself to use the iMac as a monitor for our PC. Before, we will have to make sure our Windows operating system is up to date, in order to avoid possible connectivity problems. Once this is done, the steps to follow are these:

  1. To start, with both devices turned off, the We connect using the corresponding cable (Mini DisplayPort or Thunderbolt) using the ports of each of them.
  2. Then we turn on the iMac.
  3. Next, we turn on the PC.
  4. On the iMac, we use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+F2 (Cmd + Fn + F2 also works) to open andl Target display mode. With this, the PC should now be mirrored on the iMac screen.

After establishing the connection, there may still be some steps to be taken. settings so that the image is displayed correctly. These settings must be made from the source device, i.e. from the Windows PC. Here is how to proceed:

  1. We open the menu of Configuration.
  2. Then we will System.
  3. Then we select Screen. This is where we need to select the correct native resolution for the iMac display.

Connection via third-party programs

Luna Display

For cases where the iMac does not support Target Display mode, there is the possibility of using third-party applications that allow us to share our PC screen on it. To use this feature, it is necessary to use compatible software and for both devices to be connected to the same network.

Among the many software options available, there are two that stand out for their effectiveness and reliability:

duet display

This software is designed to share screens between devices via a USB or Wi-Fi connection. It is a widely used option on modern iMacs. In addition, duet display It is very easy to set up.

Link: duet display

Luna Display

Another great resource for turning an iMac into an external monitor is Luna DisplayIt works both wired and wirelessly and is fully compatible with all models including Retina and M1/M2. To activate it you need to install a dongle.

Link: Luna Display

Remote connection to use an iMac as a monitor for a Windows PC

Remote Desktop

Finally, we mention one last option to be able to use an iMac as a monitor for a Windows PC: Use remote desktop software. Strictly speaking, this doesn't actually turn the iMac into a monitor, but it does allow you to control your PC from the iMac. This may be of interest to many users. Here's how to do it:

  1. First, you need to download a remote desktop program (TeamViewer, AnyDesk or even Microsoft Remote Desktop may be good options).
  2. Then you have to install the software chosen on both Windows PC and iMac.
  3. Next, we must connect both devices to the internet.
  4. Finally, all you have to do is use the app to mirror your PC screen on your iMac.

As you can see, using an iMac as a monitor for a Windows PC is possible, although the way to do it depends on the age of the iMac model.

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