How to use shutdown –s –t 3600 command in Windows 11?


Auto shutdown is a feature that allows you to schedule the shutdown of the operating system without having to do it manually. It is a very practical resource, with interesting applications and many advantages. In this article we explain How to use shutdown – s – t 3600 command in Windows 11 to schedule a auto power off.

We will also see the real importance of performing this action and the advantages it brings us (some of which you probably wouldn't have even imagined). Finally, we will see other methods that can also be used to schedule an automatic shutdown of our computer.

Advantages of automatic shutdown

There are many compelling reasons why scheduling an automatic shutdown of our equipment is a good idea. Here are some of them:

  • Energy saving. Automatic shutdown ensures that electricity is not consumed unnecessarily when the computer is not in use.
  • Hardware protectionBy scheduling the shutdown, we will avoid overheating problems. This, in the long run, results in a longer useful life for our device.
  • Smart use of equipmentFor example, you can schedule the shutdown once a specific task has been completed (downloads, backups, etc.), making more efficient use of your computer.

In addition to this, we must mention the advantage that this function can have for parents who wish to exercise a parental control about their children's computer usage time. It is also a very useful feature in business environments, as the automatic shutdown ensures that systems do not remain on outside of working hours.

shutdown command – s – t 3600 for automatic shutdown


One of the best methods to schedule an automatic shutdown in Windows 11 is the command shutdown – s – t 3600Before we start explaining how to use it, let's see what each of the elements that are part of it means:

  • shutdown: main command used to control the shutdown, restart or logout functions of the system.
  • -s: indicator that specifies that, among the options mentioned above, the one we want to apply is the one to turn off the computer.
  • -t 3600: Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that must pass before the shutdown is executed. In this case, it is 3600 seconds, or one hour.*

(*) Adjusting the value of -t It is possible to modify the scheduled shutdown time according to our own preferences. For example, if we write shutdown -a -t 600 the scheduled time will be 600 seconds, which is the same as 10 minutes.

Activate the command

To use this command and schedule an automatic shutdown on our PC, these are the steps we must execute:

  1. First you have to Open Command Prompt (CMD)There are two ways to do this: via the Windows + R keyboard shortcut, by typing cmd and pressing Enter, or by searching for “command prompt” in the Start menu.
  2. Then you have to enter the code shutdown-s-t 3600 and press Enter.
  3. After this, a message will appear on the screen indicating that our equipment will turn off within the time we have specified (in this case, one hour).

Disable command

If, for whatever reason, we want to cancel the shutdown we have just scheduled, the steps to follow are very simple:

  1. First We open the Command Prompt again, following the options indicated above.
  2. Then we write the command shutdown-a and press the Enter key.

This will cancel any scheduled shutdown. It's that easy.

Other methods to schedule an automatic shutdown

wise auto shutdown

The command shutdown – s – t 3600 (or any of its variants in terms of the duration of the scheduled time) is not the only method we have at our disposal to schedule an automatic shutdown on our Windows 11 PC. We present some alternatives:

Energy Plan

paragraph “Power Plan” that incorporates Windows 11 It is a very useful resource to maintain a balance between performance and energy efficiency. Among its options, there is also the option to program automatic shutdown. This is how we can access it:

  1. To start, let's go to Settings menu.
  2. Then we select System.
  3. From there, we go to the section «Energy and battery».
  4. Within the power plan that is activated, we go to the section "Related settings" and from there we select «Additional power settings».
  5. Finally, we click on "Change plan settings", where we can establish the desired parameters to turn off the computer or put it to sleep after X time has elapsed.

Third party tools

Finally, we mention some third-party tools that can be very useful when it comes to scheduling an automatic shutdown of our Windows PC. These applications take care of everything. The only thing we have to do is enter our preferences (they are very easy to use). Among the best, we can highlight the following:

  • Shutdown Timer Classic, a free application that allows us to set a timer to shut down, restart, hibernate, suspend or lock our PC.
  • Wise Auto Shutdown, a simple tool with which to shut down, log out, restart, hibernate or lock the screen in a scheduled manner whenever we want.

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