Currently the main software developers have their own assistant. Recently Samsung has joined this list, after the purchase of Viv, which together with Apple, Microsoft and Google are the kings of the assistant market, assistants who with each new update try to be better. But except Samsung's Viv and Google Assistant, the rest of the assistants are mere interlocutors and they only perform the functions that we send them, such as turn on the bluetooth, turn off the wifi, open an application ... it is not possible to try to have a conversation based on the answers they offer us, but it seems that Microsoft wants that to change quickly.
Microsoft has registered a patent in which it shows us how a virtual assistant could be in the future, how it works with the user according to the information they need. Microsoft wants Cortana is more personal, friendlier and not just a robotic voice. It is about Cortana delving into our tastes and our way of consulting information directly on our PC or mobile device, so that when we do something planned for it by means of voice commands, it knows where to throw it and which is the information that may interest us the most.
In this way, if the weather will be bad in the next few days, Cortana will be able to warn us that in the next few days it will be difficult to go for a run, or on the contrary, if the weather will be good, it will inform us of the temperature that will be at the time we have scheduled to go for a run. In addition, it will also use our position to know when we have just gotten home from work, if it finds an interesting movie according to our preferences ... we go an assistant with artificial intelligence, an artificial intelligence that in order to function properly you need to have access to all our information, tastes, preferences, location ...