It is the text editor par excellence and has been with us for several decades. However, it can still surprise even the most advanced users. That is why, on this occasion, we want to review with you the hidden functions of Word.
Those that go unnoticed by many of us, but once we discover them we realize that they can be very useful when working or studying.
Random Text Generator in Word
With this tool you can create dummy text snippets within a document. This is text that has no real meaning, but can be useful for designing mockups for a website or app; for testing different text formats without having to write anything real; or for creating sample content and checking how it will look.
With Word we have two ways to generate random text:
- =RAND(x,y): This function allows you to generate “x” paragraphs with “y” lines each. For example, if you type “=RAND(3,5)” in your document and press Enter, 3 paragraphs with 5 lines of random text will be created.
- =LOREM(): This function generates random text in Latin (Lorem ipsum), which is very common in layout. As with RAND, you can customize the number of paragraphs and lines.
Hide text, one of the best hidden features in Word
With this handy feature you can insert content into a document, but keep it from being visible to the naked eye. This is useful for adding revisions, comments, or any kind of additional information that is important to you who are creating the document, but not to the reader.
To hide text in Word follow these steps:
- Select the text: highlight the text you want to hide.
- Access the source: Click the “Home” tab and then the “Source” button.
- Activate the “Hidden” option: In the Font window, find the “Effects” section and check the “Hidden” box.
- To accept: Click “OK” to apply the changes.
To show hidden text do the following:
- Word Options: go to the “File” tab and then to “Options”.
- Display: In the options window, select “Show”.
- Check “Hidden text”: In the “Show” section, check the “Hidden text” box.
- To accept: Click “OK” to display the hidden text.
When using this feature, keep in mind some important considerations:
- If you want to print the document with hidden text, make sure it is in visible mode.
- You can search for hidden text using Word's search tool.
- If you are sharing the document with hidden text with other people who will also be editing it, let them know so there is no confusion.
Generate table function
You already know that for make tables We don't necessarily have to use Excel. What you may not know is that one of Word's hidden functions allows us to create tables using only the keyboard.
Use the “+” and “-” symbols to create a table. You also have the option to add the data to the table by separating each value with a comma. Then, Highlight the text and go to “Insert” > “Table” > “Convert Text to Table”.
Cut sections separately and glue them together
This feature is very handy for rearranging content quickly and easily. All you have to do is select specific parts of the text and cut them using Ctrl + F3, repeating the process as many times as necessary.
When you have finished cutting all the sections you need, Press the combination Ctrl + Shift + F3 and all the text will appear together in the same location.
Note that:
- The sections will be glued in the same order in which you cut them.
- Text formatting is maintained when pasted.
Measurement converter, one of the most unknown hidden functions of Word
Inches, centimeters, Fahrenheit, Celsius… the lack of a single system for measuring lengths and temperatures can become a problem when creating documents. Luckily, We don't have to go through too much trouble to make the conversion, because it turns out that Word can do it by itself.
Follow the path:
- Archive.
- Options.
- Review.
- Autocorrect options.
- Actions and enable “Additional Actions”.
- Select the number and its unit in the document, for example 8 centimeters. Right-click on it and select “Additional Actions.”
- Word will then show you possible conversions.
Custom Tape Tabs
This allows you to tailor the interface to your specific needs, streamlining your workflow and making Word an even more efficient tool.
In your tab you can group the commands you use most. Do this by following this path:
- Archive.
- Options.
- Customize ribbon.
Create a new tab, give it a name, and then add your commands. If you want, you can create groups within the tab to organize your commands in a more logical way. Save the changes and you're all set.
Vertical text selection
We are used to selecting text vertically, along a line, but we can also do it vertically.
It's as simple as holding down Alt while clicking and dragging the mouse. This will highlight text in a column. This is very useful if you want to add or remove symbols or numbers to a list.
Compare documents
If you are working with multiple versions of the same document, you can compare them quickly and easily.
From the “Review” tab, go to “Compare” and open both documents. Word will automatically show you the differences between them.
Sending “clean” documents
If you want to make sure that the document you are going to share is completely clean and does not contain elements such as personal metadata or hidden comments, use the inspect document feature:
- Archive.
- Information.
- Check for problems.
- Inspect documents.
If there is any information you do not want to share, you can delete it at that moment and the document you share will be completely clean.
Read out loud
This feature can help you with your text revisions, because it saves you from repetitive reading. Go to the “Review” tab and choose the “Read aloud” option. The program will read your text aloud and It will help you detect if you need to make any corrections.
Word's hidden features never cease to amaze us, and as you've seen, they can make us work much more efficiently.