Processor is not compatible with Windows 11 – what to do?

processor not compatible windows 11

In this blog we have talked a lot about all the improvements and new features that the launch of Windows 11. But we have also pointed out its weaknesses and errors (most of them, fortunately, already corrected). Much of the controversy has revolved around the strict hardware requirements of this new version of the Microsoft operating system. Many users have encountered the problem that The processor is not compatible with Windows 11. What to do in such cases?

This message usually appears when trying to install Windows 11 from scratch or when trying to upgrade from a previous version. An obstacle that has affected millions of users.

What we are going to do in this post is try to explain the meaning of this message and that Options we have users when our processor does not meet the requirements.

But before we continue, let's remember the list of Minimum hardware requirements to install Windows 11 which has given so many headaches to many users:

  • Processor: Minimum 1 GHz, 64-bit, and at least 2 cores (in any case, it must be on Microsoft's list of supported processors).
  • TPM 2.0 security chip.
  • RAM: 4 GB or more.
  • Storage: 64 GB of free space minimum.
  • System firmware: UEFI, compatible with Secure Boot.
  • HD display (720p).
  • Graphic card DirectX 12 compatible.

Of this list, the first two points are the ones that have caused the most difficulties for a large part of Windows users.

Reasons why our processor is not compatible

windows 11 processors

This level of hardware requirements was not established to make life impossible for Windows users. Microsoft has defended it as the best formula that could be applied to ensure optimal performance and enhance system security.

Thus, when the processor is not compatible with Windows 11, the underlying reasons are as follows:

  • Being older, the processor is unable to offer the level of performance that Microsoft considers minimum to make the most of the system's capabilities.
  • The improvements introduced in Windows 11 regarding multi-core storage or handling are only accessible by modern processors.
  • Old processors lack Support for advanced security features (such as hardware-based virtualization), which are essential to protect the system against possible external attacks.

But before we start with the solutions, it is worth Check the compatibility of our old processor. Maybe it is compatible with Windows 11 after all. The quickest method is to check the Official list of Intel, AMD and Qualcomm processors compatible with Windows 11.

Another way to verify this point is by following these simple steps:

  1. Open the Task Manager (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc).
  2. Access the tab Unlimited.
  3. Select CPU and check the model of our processor.

The processor is not compatible with Windows 11: Solutions

When, after having carried out all the checks, we come to the conclusion that our PC's processor is not compatible with Windows 11, this is what we can try:

Upgrade Hardware

It is the safest solution and the one that will be most convenient in the long term. We can choose upgrade only the processor, replacing the current CPU with another compatible model. This can be done as long as our motherboard is compatible with more modern processors.

Another possibility is update the entire teamThis may be the best option if your computer is already too old and its motherboard does not support modern processors. Doing the math, it is more cost effective to completely renew the equipment and ensure hardware compatibility for years to come.

Run Windows 11 in a virtual machine

Or by a dual boot setup with our current operating system. In this way we will be able to perform different actions with Windows 11 without compromising the stability of our main system. We suggest you read our previous posts about How to install Windows 11 on a virtual machine y How to set up a dual boot with Windows 11.

Stay on Windows 10

Well, this is more of a resignation than a solution. However, in many cases it may be the most appropriate option. Especially if we do not have the budget to renew all our equipment. For those who choose this option, it is good to know Windows 10 will remain active until October 14, 2025. And then there will be security updates and support for a few more years.

In any case, the question must be asked as to whether we really need Windows 11, since many of its functions are not essential for most users.

To summarize all of the above, we can say that there are many ways to react to the message of “The processor is not compatible with Windows 11”: update our hardware, run the system by other means and even install Windows 11 unofficially (which we advise against)As long as Windows 10 remains a solid and viable option, there's no reason to rush into this decision.

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