What is Crunchyroll and how to watch it on Windows?

crunchy roll

It is one of the reference sites for anime and Asian series lovers. A streaming platform where you can find all kinds of content related to Japanese and Korean pop culture. In this article we are going to explain What is Crunchyroll and how to watch it on Windows.

It is true that there are other platforms that offer us similar content within their catalog (Netflix, without going any further), but what makes Crunchyroll different is that it is a specialized site, with one of the largest anime libraries in the world, where we find both classic titles and the latest releases.

In addition to that, in Crunchyroll We can watch series and films in their original language, opting for subtitles or dubbing. Since its creation in 2006, the most recent and anticipated releases always appear first there. But if there is one feature that makes this platform especially interesting, it is Its user community, as extensive as it is active, which, through events, news and forums, offers us a unique experience beyond streaming.

Reasons to choose Crunchyroll

crunchy roll

There are many reasons why you should try Crunchyroll on Windows. Here are some of the reasons that might convince you:

  • Access to an extensive anime catalog, from big hits to unknown titles.
  • Other contents, such as drama series made in Asia or mangas to download and read on the screen.
  • Availability in multiple languages (also in Spanish).
  • simulcast (Simulcast), which allows you to watch episodes that have just been released in Japan within a few hours.
  • Various subscription options: free (with ads and limited quality) or premium.

Minimum requirements to use Crunchyroll on Windows

To enjoy everything that Crunchyroll offers us on a Windows PC without problems, it is necessary to first verify that the following are met: requirements:

  • Internet connection: The minimum recommended speed is 5 Mbps, ideal for playing HD content.
  • Disk Space to install the app: about 200 MB.
  • Operating System: Windows 7 or higher.
  • Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge (actually, any browser that is up to date with HTML5 support will do).
  • RAM: At least 2GB, if you want smooth performance.
  • Screen resolution: 1920 × 1080.

Fulfilling all these requirements, there are still some recommendations to follow so that the experience of enjoying Crunchyroll and all its content is as good as possible. For example, it is essential have a stable internet connection to avoid interruptions. Similarly, you should adjust the resolution to suit your connection speed.

It is also convenient wear headphones or, failing that, use a good sound system. This is essential to enjoy the best anime. Finally, if we are going to use Crunchyroll frequently, it is not a bad idea to consider accessing the Premium subscription with all its advantages.

How to watch Crunchyroll on a Windows computer

crunchyroll app

There are several ways to access Crunchyroll from a Windows computer: you can do so via a web browser or by downloading the official app. You can also use additional services to make the experience even more complete.

From the web browser

This is the easiest and most direct way to watch Crunchyroll on Windows. We explain everything you need to do step by step:

  1. First, we open the browser and, in the address bar, we write the following address: www.crunchyroll.com
  2. After we started session with our email and password (if we don't have one, we must create one).
  3. Once inside, we explore the catalog to choose the desired content.
  4. Finally, We set up the subtitles from the same playback menu.

From the Crunchyroll app for Windows

In the Microsoft Store we can find the official application from Crunchyroll. Using it we can get a much more fluid user experience with all the improvements. This is how we can install it:

  1. First we go to the official Microsoft store. On any Windows PC we can find a shortcut from the taskbar or the Start menu.
  2. There we go to the search bar and write «Crunchyroll».
  3. Once we find the official application, we click on "Install" so that it is downloaded and installed automatically.
  4. After the installation is complete, just open the app and log in.

Additional options for watching Crunchyroll on Windows

Other ways to watch Crunchyroll on a Windows computer without using the browser or the official app are as follows:

  • Using an Android emulator, ideal for enjoying the experience that the mobile app offers us.
  • Through browser extensions, whether Chrome or Firefox. This option offers many customization tools.

In summary, we can say that Crunchyroll is an essential platform for all anime lovers and we can easily access it from Windows (through the browser, using the official application or using emulators).

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