What is the Shift key and what is it used for?

shift key

On our computer keyboard we have a series of special keys that give us access to all kinds of functions. In this article we are going to focus on one of the most important ones, we will explain What is the Shift key, how and what is it used for?

We could say that this is a "multipurpose" key which we can use for both basic tasks and more advanced uses. It should also be noted that, on many keyboards, this key is not marked as "Shift" but as "Capital" or simply as "Shift" (for capital letters). the symbol of an arrow pointing upwards.

What's more, there is no single Shift key on the keyboard. There are actually two: one on the left and one on the right. Thanks to this arrangement, it can be used with either hand. In any case, This is a modifier key that cannot perform an action by itself, but must be used in conjunction with other keys, pressing both simultaneously, in order to perform a certain function.

As a curiosity, it should be noted that The term "Shift" comes from old typewriters. It should not be forgotten that our current keyboards are derived from them. Back then, this key was used to physically change the writing carriage, thus accessing the characters located in the upper row.

Basic uses of the Shift key

shift key

The essential functions that the Shift key allows us to perform make it one of the most important keys on any Windows keyboard. These are its most common basic uses:

write in capital letters

This is the most well-known use of the Shift key, known to virtually all users. To use it, you hold it down and then use a normal key. The letter on that key will then appear in capital letters.

For example: Shift + a = A.

Select text

It also can use the Shift key combined with the navigation keys (home, end or up, down, left and right arrows) to select text. This works when using word processors such as Microsoft Word, but also in browsers or when writing emails.

Access the numeric and symbol keys

On any keyboard currently in use, there are many keys that have several functions. The numeric keys, which are often located on the top row of the QWERTY keyboard, also contain other symbols (!, @, &...) that can be accessed using the Shift key.

For example: Shift + 5 =%.

Use keyboard shortcuts

Many Windows functions are accessible through keyboard shortcuts involving the Shift key. The list is long, here are just a few of the most practical ones:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open the task manager.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Used to create a new folder.
  • Ctrl+Shift+T: To reopen the last tab that was closed in the browser.
  • Shift+Ctrl: It is used to customize Windows 10 tiles without having to use the mouse
  • Shift + Delete: To permanently delete files in Windows (without them going to the trash).
  • Shift + Enter: To go down the line when we are writing.
  • Shift+F3: Switch between uppercase and lowercase when writing in Microsoft Word.
  • Shift + F10: Opens the context menu, which is very useful when working without a mouse.
  • Shift + Delete: to send to the trash (not permanently delete) one or more selected files.
  • Shift + Tab: To reverse the direction of an options table.
  • Windows + Shift + Arrow (left or right): Used to move active windows between monitors.
  • Windows + Shift + Number (0 to 9): Used to quickly open programs that are pinned to the taskbar.
  • Windows + Shift + S: Take a screenshot.

To this list we must add the option Shift+Scroll (i.e., the mouse wheel) used to scroll horizontally in spreadsheets or interactive maps.

Advanced uses of the Shift key

Aside from the basic uses we've covered so far, the Shift key also offers more advanced functions that can be applied in various situations. Here are some examples:

  • Keyboard shortcuts in graphic editors like Adobe PhotoshopThe Shift key can be used to draw lines, resize objects, or select items on layers, among other things.
  • Access to hidden menus of some programs, by holding down the Shift key and right-clicking.
  • Advanced reset in Windows. The trick is to hold down the Shift key while clicking Restart.

As we have seen, the Shift key offers us much more than the possibility of writing in capital letters. For anyone who uses the computer regularly (whether for personal use or for professional reasons), it is really convenient to learn how to use the options we have explained in the previous paragraphs. This will inevitably translate into an improvement in productivity and efficiency.

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