What to do if widgets don't work on your Windows 11

  • Windows 11 widgets make it easier to access information and features from your desktop.
  • It is crucial to keep the operating system and applications updated for optimal performance.
  • Checking your privacy settings is essential to avoid problems with widgets.
  • Alternatives such as third-party apps can offer similar functionality if widgets fail.

computer screen

The widgets of Windows 11 represent a most outstanding tool of this operating system. They providequick access to information and other functions in a faster way directly from the desktop. However, despite its benefits, many users may find performance problems of these widgets that can affect our objectives and needs. The malfunction of these widgets may be due to a great variety of motifs ranging from system configurations to more technical problems that are difficult to solve.

In this article we will explore a series of steps and solutions you can follow to resolve these problems. Therefore, if you have a problem with these tools, we advise you to continue reading this guide so that you can Enjoy widgets on your Windows 11 without interruptions.

Check system settings

Before starting with more advanced solutions it is important Make sure the basic system settings are configured correctly and set so that the widgets work properly. Within this section we will have to check that we have updated our operating system to the latest version and that privacy settings allow us to use certain widgets.

Check for Windows updates

Widgets on Windows

Keeping your operating system up to date is crucial to ensure that all features, including widgets, work properly. Windows updates often contain bug fixes and improvements that can solve functionality problems.

To check for and install updates, access Settings by clicking on the start button and selecting «Configuration«. Once in the Settings window, select «Update and security«. From there, click «Search for updates«. Windows will search for latest updates available and, if updates are available, follow the instructions to download and install them. This may require restarting your computer.

Review privacy settings

Widgets in Windows 11 require certain privacy permissions to function correctly. Make sure these permissions are set enabled to avoid functionality problems.

FOR review privacy settings, go to Settings by clicking the Home button and selecting «Configuration«. Then, select «Privacy «. Browse the different privacy options and ensure that the necessary permissions such as location and information access are enabled.

Basic solutions for widget problems

If you have already configured your system to be able to use widgets and you are still experiencing problems, there are a few basic solutions What you can try to get the widgets working again.

  1. Restart the system: Sometimes a simple reboot can fix temporary system problems.
  2. Restart the widget service: Access the Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), find the widget process and select «Restart«.
  3. Check Internet connection: Make sure that you computer is connected to the Internet, since widgets need online access to update information.

Update and reinstall applications

Keeping applications updated to the latest version is essential for the correct functioning of the general system and, in particular, tools such as widgets. Therefore, we will discuss some aspects that you can configure to make these problems disappear.


Update graphics drivers

The Outdated graphics drivers can cause display and functionality issues with widgets. To update the graphics drivers, go to the Device administrator by right-clicking on the Start button and selecting «Device administrator«. Then, find the «Display adapters«, right-click on your graphics driver and select «Update Driver«. Choose "Search automatically for updated driver software» and follow the instructions.

Reinstall widgets

If the widgets still don't work, reinstalling the widget specific application may resolve software issues. To do this, go to Settings by clicking the Home button and selecting «Configuration«. Then, go to «Applications»And select«Applications and features«. Find the app in the list, click on it and select «uninstall«. Afterwards, rRestart your computer and reinstall the app from the Microsoft Store.

Advanced settings

Once we have tried the previous solutions and our widgets still do not work or give problems, we will have to resort to advanced settings to solve the problem. These methods require a little more technical preparation but by following these steps you can easily achieve it.

Windows troubleshooter

Windows 11 includes a troubleshooter which can identify and resolve issues with widgets. To use the troubleshooter, go to Settings by clicking the Home button and selecting “Configuration«. Then, go to «Update and security»And select«Solve problems«. In the section of "Additional troubleshooters", Choose "Windows Store apps» and follow the instructions.

Windows Registry Editor


El windows registry editor may be a solution for persistent problems, but it should be done with caution. To access the registry, press Windows + R, type "regedit" and press Enter. Navigate to the registry key related to widgets, which is usually located in «HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced«. Look for any entries related to widgets and make sure they are configured correctly. If you are not sure, consult the official Microsoft documentation or seek technical advice.

Alternative solutions

If after trying all the above solutions the widgets still don't work, you can consider some alternatives.

  1. Use third-party apps: There are third-party apps that can replicate the functionality of Windows 11 widgets. Some recommended ones include Rainmeter and Widget Launcher.
  2. Create custom shortcuts: You can create shortcuts on your desktop to quickly access the information and applications you need.

Restore the system to previous versions

Restore the system to a previous point can be an effective solution for resolve issues with widgets, especially if the problem started after making system changes or installing new applications. To restore your system to a previous point, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings: Click the Home button and select «Configuration«.
  2. Go to System: In the Settings window, select «System" and later "About«.
  3. Advanced System Settings: In the section "Device Specifications«, Click«Advanced System Settings«.
  4. System protection: In the window System properties, select the tab «System protection«.
  5. System Restore: Click on «System Restore«. A new window will appear with a list of available restore points.
  6. Select a restore point: Choose a restore point from before when the widget problems started and click «Next«.
  7. Confirm the restore: Review the details and confirm the system restore. You computer will reboot and restore to the selected configuration.

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