WhatsApp Web tricks and shortcuts that you didn't know

  • WhatsApp Web allows you to stay connected while working on your computer.
  • It can be accessed through the official website or by downloading the desktop app.
  • Keyboard shortcuts improve efficiency when using WhatsApp Web.
  • It is possible to read messages without the sender knowing using a simple trick.

WhatsApp Web tricks and shortcuts that you didn't know

Have you already switched to the web version of the most popular instant messaging app in the world? This way you can stay connected while you work on your computer and you don't have to constantly check your phone to see if you have received a message. So that you can use this system more optimally, today we bring you tricks and WhatsApp shortcuts web site.

When you are on the computer it is because you are working or studying, so you don't want to get too distracted by messages. These tricks that we are going to give you will help you save time.

How to use WhatsApp Web on your computer?

How to use WhatsApp Web on your computer

Let's start with the basics, if you still don't use this version of the instant messaging app, you'll be interested to know that there are two ways to do it.

WhatsApp Web through its official page

Follow these simple steps to use WhatsApp on your computer:

  • Search the official WhatsApp Web page in your browser.
  • Open the app on your phone, access the menu and select "WhatsApp Web".
  • Scan the QR code that appears on the computer screen using your mobile camera.

WhatsApp Web through its app

Access is just as simple. All you have to do is download the WhatsApp desktop app that you will find in the application store of your operating system. Then you just have to follow the same steps as We have seen in the previous case to make the connection.

WhatsApp Web on a tablet

If what you want is to use the web version on a tablet, the process is also simple:

  • Access the tablet's browser.
  • Activate “desktop mode” from the browser settings. If you do not do this you will not be able to enjoy WhatsApp Web on your tablet.
  • Carry out the connection process that we have seen in the previous cases.

You may notice some errors when using WhatsApp Web on your tablet, this It happens because the app has been designed for computers. However, it does not usually cause operating problems.

WhatsApp Web shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts that we can use when working with the computer help us save a lot of time, because we do not have to continually move our hands from the keyboard to the mouse and vice versa. Something that also improves our ergonomics if we are forced to work for many hours with the computer.

Precisely because of that, WhatsApp Web shortcuts are also very useful, because they make it easier and faster for us to use this application, and prevent us from having to resort to using the mouse.

Here are some very useful shortcuts:

  • Mark a message as unread: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U.
  • Mute WhatsApp: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M.
  • Archive a chat: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E.
  • Delete a chat: Ctrl + Alt + back button.
  • Pin a chat: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P.
  • Search: Ctrl + Alt + /.
  • Search chat: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F.
  • New chat: Ctrl + Alt + N.
  • Next chat: Ctrl + Alt + Tab.
  • Previous chat: Ctrl + Alt G + Shift + Tab.
  • Close chat: Escape.
  • New group: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N.
  • Profile and Info: Ctrl + Alt + P + Shift.
  • Increase the speed of a voice message: Shift + (.).
  • Reduce voice message speed: Shift + (,).
  • Settings: Ctrl + Alt + (,).
  • Emoji panel: Ctrl + Alt + E.
  • GIF panel: Ctrl + Alt + G.
  • Stickers panel: Ctrl + Alt + S.
  • Expand search: Alt + K.

WhatsApp desktop app shortcuts for Windows

WhatsApp desktop app shortcuts for Windows

If you use the web version through its app, The shortcut commands are slightly different:

  • Control + N: New chat.
  • Control + W: Close chat.
  • Control + F4: Close chat.
  • Alt + F4: Close application.
  • Control + Shift + N: New group.
  • Control + F: Search.
  • Control + Shift + F: Search chat.
  • Control + P: Options.
  • Control + Shift + M: Mute.
  • Control + Shift + U: Mark as read.
  • Control + Shift + E: Emoji panel.
  • Control + Shift + G: GIF panel.
  • Control + Shift + [: Previous chat.
  • Control + Shift + ]: Next chat.
  • Control + Shift + Tab: Previous chat.
  • Control + Tab: Next chat.
  • Control + number from 1 to 9: switches between the list of chats.

WhatsApp desktop app shortcuts for Mac

If you have an Apple computer, The commands are similar to the previous ones, but there are some changes, take note:

  • Cmd + Shift + U: Mark as unread.
  • Cmd + Shift + M: Mute.
  • Cmd + Shift + E: Archive chat.
  • Cmd + Shift + D: Delete chat.
  • Cmd + Shift + P: Fix chat.
  • Cmd + F: Search.
  • Cmd + Shift + F: Search chat.
  • Cmd + N: New chat.
  • Ctrl + Tab: Next chat.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Previous chat.
  • Escape: Close chat.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: New group.
  • Cmd + P: Profile and info.
  • Shift + .: Increase the speed of a voice message.
  • Shift + ,: Slow down a voice message.
  • Cmd + ,: Settings.
  • Cmd + E: Emoji panel.
  • Cmd + G: GiFs panel.
  • Cmd + S: Stickers panel.
  • Cmd + K: Expand search.

Read messages on WhatsApp web without them knowing

Read messages on WhatsApp web without them knowing

Here is a little trick that will help you read messages so that the sender does not know that you have done it. This can be very useful for you at work. If they have sent you a message and it is clear that you have not read it, You have a few more minutes to continue focusing on other tasks before you get down to what they are asking of you now.

The trick is very simple, once you receive the message, leave the mouse cursor over it. This shows you a preview of that content, regardless of whether it is an individual or group message, so you can find out what they are telling you and so that the other party does not know that you have already read their communication.

Connect to WhatsApp Web even if your mobile is turned off

Once you have logged in to WhatsApp Web by scanning the QR code displayed on your computer screen with your phone, the session remains on.

As long as you keep the app updated on both your mobile and computer, You will be able to access WhatsApp Web even if your phone is turned off.

There are many WhatsApp Web tricks and shortcuts that make it easier for you to use this application. We hope that these things we have seen are useful to you.

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