Windows 11 lets you delete objects and backgrounds without installing anything

Camera next to a computer.

Deleting objects and backgrounds from photos without having to install anything is one of the features we have at our disposal in Windows 11.

If you want to make a small edit to your snapshots and don't want to complicate your life or use third-party applications, you can do it from your operating system. We explain how.

Why remove objects or backgrounds from photos?

Woman working with images on tablet.

Photo editing is the order of the day because it is extremely simple, at least when it comes to doing basic things like removing an object or the background from a photo. This is something that may be necessary in different situations:

Improve the composition

If there are objects in the photo that distract attention from the main subjectBy eliminating them we highlight the true protagonist and achieve a cleaner and more focused composition.

It can also be useful to remove any elements that do not fit the aesthetics of the image: a person who should not be there, a garbage can, etc.

Change background

An unattractive background can draw unwanted attention. However, removing it gives the image a more appropriate context.

If you would like to unify images to create a series, you can remove the original background and add a conscious one. The result will be much better than you imagine, we recommend you try it.

Create more professional images

Even if you are not an editing expert, with features like the ones we are going to see today you can create professional-looking images that you can use in different projects.

If you're trying to build a reputation on social media, it will help to upload well-groomed photos and free of elements that may distract the public.

Protect privacy

There may be a picture in the background of your photo. trademark or a person whose identity you want to protect. Well, with a simple edit you have the problem solved in a few minutes.

Create artistic effects

Another reason to try erasing objects and backgrounds from photos is to allow your creativity flows freelyFor example, you can remove the background to add another and create a unique image.

The trick to remove objects and backgrounds from photos in Windows 11

Notebook computer.

If you have to edit a photo and you don't have an editing program on your computer, you might think that you have no choice but to use an external application, but that's not the case. You have another option at your fingertips: the Windows Photos program.


This application has been part of the Microsoft operating system for years, but it usually goes quite unnoticed to the detriment of other apps such as Google Photos.

It is a very versatile tool suitable for editing and sharing both images and videos. It also has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Its main features include:

  • Automatic organization of content thanks to Artificial Intelligence. This allows you to group your photos based on themes such as “People”, “Places” and “Things”.
  • It allows a Basic editing on photosWith it you can crop, rotate, adjust brightness, contrast and saturation.
  • It includes filters and effects to give a unique touch to your photos.
  • With her it is possible Combine photos and videos to create presentations with music and transitions.
  • Allows share photos directly on social networks.
  • It includes a smart search system with which it is easy to locate the photographs.
  • Se Sync with OneDrive so you can view your photos from any device.

Remove objects and backgrounds from photos with Windows Photos

The editing that we can do through this native Microsoft photo application is not at the level of what other apps allow us, but it is enough to make some basic adjustments without having to resort to external tools.

The truth is that, because it incorporates artificial intelligence and uses it to do this type of work, Photos is quite efficient at removing objects and backgrounds.

To use it for delete an object you have to do the following:

  • Open the image you want to edit using Windows Photos.
  • Click on the button "Edit" that appears in the upper left corner.
  • Choose the eraser icon from the top options bar.
  • With the brush indicates the area to edit (the object you want to remove). If you need to, you can change the brush size to work more precisely.
  • Let the changes take effect and, if the result is what you wanted, you can save the image or copy it to the clipboard.

FOR remove background From an image what you have to do is:

  • Open the image to edit with Windows Photos.
  • Click on the “Edit” button.
  • In the top options bar choose the button that shows a person with striped background.
  • Please wait a few seconds, because the system has to do the necessary process to differentiate the background from the image and select it.
  • Through the options that appear in the toolbar on the right side you can choose if you want blur the background, remove it, or replace it.

Advantages and disadvantages of deleting objects and backgrounds from photos in Windows 11

Digital camera.

This feature has some pros and cons that you should be aware of:


  • Es easy to use, because it has a very intuitive interface.
  • The process of removing objects and background is quite Speed.
  • The results are acceptably good, especially if the background is simple.
  • There is no need to install anything on your computer.
  • Is free.


  • AI still has certain limitations and in complex images or with backgrounds similar to the object to be removed, results are not as perfect as one might expect.
  • It is not a professional editing tool and this is noticeable if you need a very precise result.
  • El The final result also depends on the quality of the image. you are working with. If it has low resolution or a lot of noise, the tool's work will be made more difficult.

Removing objects and backgrounds from photos with Windows 11 is a good solution if you are looking for basic and quick editing. But keep in mind that it also has some limitations and the result will not be the same as that offered by a more professional cutting tool.

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