5 Windows 11 tools to boost your productivity

  • Windows 11 offers tools like Snap Layout to organize multiple windows and improve multitasking.
  • Focus Assist blocks notifications to reduce distractions and increase concentration.
  • Virtual desktops allow you to segment projects into separate workspaces.
  • OneNote and ShareX are useful applications for taking notes and sharing visual content efficiently.

5 Windows 11 tools to boost your productivity

Increase productivity with Windows 11 It's something that's much more within your reach than you might think. Because Microsoft's latest operating system has some features that can save us a lot of time when working.

Get ready to discover the most useful tools to get more work done in less time and try them all, because they can make a difference in your daily life.

1. Snap Layout to increase your productivity with Windows 11

Snap Layout to boost your productivity with Windows 11

Of this tool we have already talked to you previously, but we cannot fail to refer to it in this article on formulas to improve your productivity.

If you are one of those who constantly go from one tab to another when you work, you already know how complex it can be and the amount of time it can make you lose. Well, with Snap Layout lets you forget about this problem.

This tool allows you to split the screen into several independent windows, so you can have everything in view without having to switch between them.

Activating it is this simple:

  • Hover your mouse over the maximize button of any of your open windows, and you'll automatically be presented with several layout options.
  • You just have to choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Alternatively, you can press the Windows key and then the up, down, left, or right arrow keys. This will place the window in the indicated location.
  • If you press the Windows key plus the Z key, you will also be shown the screen layout options and you can directly choose the one you are interested in.

2. Focus Assist

Focus Assist for Windows 11

Notifications are little time thieves that, at the end of the day, have stolen valuable minutes that we could have spent doing something more productive.

A basic productivity hack is to set aside a specific time to check emails, WhatsApp messages, etc., instead of checking for new communications every few minutes. However, we are constantly “bombarded” with notifications, and this makes us turn to the email or other means of communication more frequently than would be appropriate.

One way to avoid this problem is to activate the Focus Assist feature in Windows 11, which is responsible for blocking all types of notifications, freeing us from unnecessary distractions. To activate it you have to:

  • Go to the Start menu and access the Configuration.
  • In Settings you have to follow the path System > Notifications.
  • In this section we select the option of "Do not disturb" and so we silence the notifications.

There is another option which is “Automatically activate do not disturb”, which allows us to choose specific times when we don't want to receive notifications. Very useful if you don't mind receiving alerts throughout the day, but don't want to do so in the time blocks you've chosen to focus 100% on a task.

3. Virtual Desktops

Virtual Desktops in Windows

If you're working on multiple projects at once, splitting windows may not be enough to quickly access the information you need at any given time. The perfect solution in your case is to use virtual desktops.

Virtual desktops are individual workspaces that you can dedicate to each of your projects, so that nothing gets mixed up. This way you avoid confusion and also work much faster and more efficiently.

To increase productivity with Windows 11 and virtual desktops, do the following:

  • On the taskbar, click on the button “Start view”, You will recognize it because it is indicated by an icon consisting of two overlapping rectangles, one white and one black. You can also access this feature by pressing the Windows and the tabulator.
  • This brings up the option to “Add a New Desktop”, sober pulsa "+" and a new virtual desktop will be created.
    To switch from one to another, click on the same icon and you will see all the ones you have active.

4. OneNote

OneNote logo

This Windows application is designed for taking notes digitally, and the best thing is that it allows you to organize the content into notebooks, sessions and pages. This makes it easier to access information based on projects, topics, etc.

You can take notes by hand or with the keyboard, insert images, files, screenshots, and even draw. Plus, it automatically syncs with OneDrive, so you can access this content from any device, and you can also share it with your team.

To access this practical tool do the following:

  • Write OneNote in the search bar.
  • Sign in with your email and password.

OneNote has many features that can make your day-to-day life a little easier and increase your productivity almost without you realizing it, so go ahead and explore everything it has to offer you now. discover how you can apply it in your work.


ShareX Website

Now that remote work is a common occurrence, the frequency with which we have to share screenshots or recordings of our screen with colleagues has increased. Although doing these operations is not complicated, It can become tedious if we don't have the right tools for it.

In the case of Windows 11, the Microsoft operating system makes ShareX available to us, which simplifies the capture and sharing of screenshots and screen recordings, becauseIt is simple and intuitive to use.

To start using this application you have to follow these steps:

  • Download ShareX from your official Web.
  • When you open the control panel you will see the menus and main controls on the left side of the screen.
  • You just have to press the option of "Capture" and choose the option that interests you.
  • Access the created file and share it with whoever you want.

Other tricks to increase productivity with Windows 11

In addition to the tools we have seen, there are a series of small tips that can help you be more productive.

  • Keep your operating system up to date to prevent it from slowing down.
  • Delete apps you don't use to avoid distractions and unnecessary resource consumption.
  • Keep your Windows desktop as clear as possible.
  • Periodically delete files you no longer need.

Increasing productivity with Windows 11 is in your hands. Did you know about these tools we've talked about? Can you recommend any others?

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