A new security update comes to Windows 10

  • Microsoft releases a security update for Windows 10 following a zero-day vulnerability related to Flash.
  • The vulnerability affected operating systems such as Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.
  • The solution took 20 days to be implemented by Microsoft, while Adobe resolved it in 5 days.
  • No new Windows cumulative updates are expected until December.


The darkness loomed days ago on security in Windows. Microsoft, how could it be otherwise, has put the batteries and hands to work, and today it has announced the launch of a new security update for Windows 10 that would return matters to normal. Everything exploded when Google announced a zero-day vulnerability due to Flash, which seriously endangered countless computers around the world. In this way, Microsoft intends to make it clear that it cares about our security in the most used operating systemso go ahead, it's time to upgrade.

This problem is not only present in Windows 10, since as we have said, it involves Adobe's Flash tool, whose developers took only 5 days to solve it. The Redmond company has cost a little more, it has taken 20 days to solve this vulnerability that today has put an end to its growth. Apparently the problem lay in a number of local system privileges, which was already being exploited by other experts, Russian hackers who took control of computers through third-party applications.

A dark plot that would be solved in Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 With this security update, quickly and easily, so maybe it is not a good time for you to be lazy to update, it will not take a long time and you will gain peace of mind and protection for your data. So, from here we recommend that you go to Windows Update on duty, refresh and install the security update that it touches.

On the other hand, no cumulative updates are expected for Windows with news at the operating system level at least until December, so we will keep you informed.

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