How to activate parental control in Windows 10

  • Children's access to computers and the Internet requires a filter to avoid inappropriate content.
  • Windows 10 offers parental control tools accessible from your Microsoft account.
  • It is essential to create accounts for adults and minors for proper configuration.
  • Some applications, such as non-Microsoft browsers, may be able to bypass parental controls.

Children in front of a pc.

More and more young children have access to a computer or computer with the Internet. This is not a bad thing, far from it, but it can be a problem if children do not have a filter that helps them not to see inappropriate content.

The latest versions of Windows 10 include tools in this regard. These tools can be controlled from the settings of our Microsoft account and they allow us not only to control the content that the minor can see but also to limit the Xbox online games to which they have access.

Parental control in Windows 10 has two phases or two parts. One of these parts is within the operating system itself. On account creationWe can add any account and when we create the account it asks us if we want to add an account for a minor or an adult. For the equipment to function properly, we have to add at least two accounts, an adult account and a minor account. To create a new account, we just have to go to Settings -> Accounts -> Family and other people. It is important to create an Outlook email account for that person as they will be linked to our Outlook account.

Once we have linked the account, to configure access we have to go to our Microsoft account from any web browser and access our account. In it, it will allow us to configure any parameter of the accounts associated with our user. In Activity they will indicate us which pages, sites and elements have been consulted lately. In limiting applications we can enter the age of the user and thus define the applications and video games that can be used in the Microsoft Store. In screen time we can see how much time is spent in front of the computer and how much time we want the child to spend in front of the computer.

These functions are very interesting to control the access of minors in front of the computer, but it must be remembered that there are some applications that escape this control, such as non-Microsoft browsers, which cannot send the information to the Outlook account. In any case, it is a lesser evil if we are talking about the safety of our minors Do not you think?

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