How to add a custom message to Windows 10 startup

  • MS-DOS 5 and 6 allowed application exploration and system customization.
  • You can modify the startup message in Windows 10 using a small registry hack.
  • The downloaded file includes options to add or remove the legal startup message.
  • The procedure is simple and reversible if you do not wish to maintain the change.

Windows 10

When the first PC came to my hands, I made the most of all the applications that allowed us to perform some useful function in MS-DOS 5 and later MS-DOS 6. But once I had investigated and had knowledge of practically all the applications that it offered me that operating system, I started testing, editing certain files to be able to modify the texts that were displayed on the screen.

When you are little, you have time and you are also passionate about a subject, you try to do everything in your power to investigate and discover new things. At that time, I got modify the text that was displayed at the beginning of the boot, the file and the text that appeared and the image that appeared when running and shutting down Windows.

For all lovers of customization, from How To Geek, they offer us a tool that allows us to modify the message that appears every time we start our version of Windows 10. This file, is a small hack of the Windows registry, which is made up of two files:

  • Add legal notice to startup
  • Remove legal notice from startup

Show custom message on Windows 10 startup

  • Once we have unzipped the file, click on the right button on the file Add Legal notice to Startup and we select. Edit, to open it with the notepad.
  • Next we go to Type Your Title Here, this is the text that we have to modify keeping the quotation marks. Once written, we save the file and close it.
  • Now we just have to click twice on this file to modify the registry and include that text when Windows starts.

But how do I remove it?

If you don't like the result, you can delete the text you have entered, double clicking on the file Remove legal notice from startup, the other file found in the .zip file that we downloaded at the beginning.

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