Bookmarks or favorites are one of the best things that have been invented since they allow us to store the web pages we visit the most in our favorites. Thanks to this function we do not have to retype the entire web address that we visit regularly. But it may be that over time and especially if we visit it more than usual, as the Windows Noticias blog should be, the bookmarks option is not the fastest and we try to find an option that speeds up this process. Then the best option is to add a link to the web page either on the desktop of our PC or in the start menu, so that with just a couple of clicks we can visit it without having to open the browser.
It is not necessary to open the browser, since the system will automatically launch the browser that is configured by default for it, be it Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera or others.
Add a web link to the start menu
- First of all we must go to the web page from which we want to create the web link. If we know it by heart, it is not necessary to go to the browser.
- Then we go to the desktop of our PC and press on the right button.
- select New> Shortcut and we enter the web page in question and click on Accept.
- In the next step we have to place ourselves on top of the icon that we have created and click on the right button.
- In the drop-down menu, click on the option Anchor to Home, so that this web link is still within the start menu.
If, on the other hand, we only want to leave the link to the web page on the desktop we should skip steps 4 to 5as the steps required to move the newly created shortcut to the start menu.