From the earliest versions of Windows, the Tares bar has always been with us. A task bar where all the applications that we have open are shown along with the different devices that we have connected at that moment and the hour, blessed hour. When we are working, it is most likely that that precious box where the time is shown that informs us that each time we have less time left at work becomes a common place of pilgrimage for our eyes. But for all those users who do not have enough with the hour and the minutes, you should know that the seconds can also be added.
So that? There are many people who have the need to be punctual and the seconds help them to be the first, either in sending an email, leaving the job ... It also has its usefulness if punctuality and accuracy is not among our virtues, since allows us to time the time we have to wait to perform any task, for example to download applications in a not very legal way. Within the clock options in Windows 10 we can only adjust if we want the time to adjust automatically or we want to take care of that process.
To add the seconds to the time displayed in Windows 10 we must enter the dreaded record, a place where any badly made change can have irreparable consequences. Fortunately, in Windows News we always inform you of all the steps to follow so that your forays into the registry do not cause unwanted effects.
Add seconds to Windows 10 clock
- First we go to the Cortana window and type Regedit
- Now we go to Edit> Find and to find the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced
- Then we click on the right button and click again. The new DWORD value (32 bits) will be named ShowSecondsInSystemClock and the value will be 1 in Hexadecimal basis.
- We click on accept and restart.
- Once the computer has restarted, we look at the clock to check that we have carried out all the steps correctly.