The best free antivirus for Windows 10

  • Internet security is vital; a good antivirus protects computers and personal data.
  • Windows Defender is a built-in and reliable option for Windows 10.
  • Free antivirus programs like Avast and Kaspersky offer good protection at no cost.
  • When choosing an antivirus, it is crucial to consider its performance and additional features.

anti virus windows 10

It never hurts to remember: security should not be neglected when it comes to the Internet. For this reason, having a good antivirus is essential to protect our computers and our personal data from the constant threats of malware in all its forms. Fortunately, there are many free antivirus for windows 10 for our peace of mind.

Within the wide range of possibilities that we have, we can opt for the integrated solution Windows Defender, developed from Microsoft, or the many external options. To use many of them you don't even have to pay anything. We analyze them all in this post.

The first thing to ask yourself is what do we need from an antivirus. It will be of no use to us that it is free if it does not meet what we expect of it. A good way to gauge your effectiveness is to take a look at the results you post regularly. AV-Test. This German website analyzes different solutions by subjecting them to numerous tests and attacks, then drawing up a list of the best antivirus.

Some of the criteria used by AV-Test to develop its ranking of the best antivirus are the following:

  • Protection level against different updated forms of malware.
  • Impact on computer performance, that is, browsing and download speed when we use the antivirus program.
  • Generation of false alarms, since a good antivirus should only act when necessary. Otherwise, it becomes more of a hindrance than a help.
  • Additional functions and other extras.

While it is true that, from the outset, a paid antivirus will be better than a free one, the truth is many free antiviruses offer great results and they are more recommended if we do not plan to use our equipment professionally. It should not be forgotten that, since they are widely used, they have many users and an extensive malware database.

In the selection that we present below we have only taken into account the free options.

Windows Defender

Windows Defender

This is the first option any Windows user should consider. Windows Defender It is the antivirus that is integrated into Windows 10 itself. The truth is that it is a very elaborate tool in which Microsoft has invested a lot of effort to make it the only antivirus that its users need.

Related article:
How to activate Windows Defender in Windows 10

It is worth noting the perfect integration of its interface within the operating system (it is logical that this is the case, since it is a part of it), although its excellent performance in threat detection is also worth mentioning. Also, unlike other free products, it does not include any kind of advertising. On the other hand, it is constantly updated without the need for us to do anything.

Regarding the degree of trust, suffice it to say that in recent years Windows Defender has entered the Top-20 best antivirus made by AV-Test, along with many other payment options.

Avast Free Antivirus

Avast Free Antivirus

Considered as one of the best free antivirus for Windows 10, Avast it also appears prominently on our list. In fact, after the acquisition of AVG, it is currently one of the most important antivirus companies.

Avast's free antiviruses are the only ones in their category that AV-Test classifies with the TOP Product label. In addition to the functions typical of these products, they incorporate other practical features such as the do not disturb mode, the malware analysis of newly installed applications or the detection of intrusions in our home WiFi network.

Link: Avast

BitDefender Free Edition


Also BitDefender offers a free version of its antivirus. It is true that it is a very limited version that barely contains the basics and essentials to protect our computer, but it can be very useful for certain tasks, such as quick scanning to detect malware. Simple, but sufficient for those who do not want more than a standard type protection.

Link: BitDefender

Kaspersky Free Antivirus


Another of the big names worldwide when it comes to antivirus. Despite having been involved in some scandals in the past, many companies and private clients continue to place their trust in Kaspersky and they are very satisfied with what it offers.

Its free version, which is the one that concerns us here, is very effective for detecting malware and barely interferes with the good performance of our computer. Of course, its range of tools is quite imitated compared to the paid version. For example, it does not incorporate parental control, online purchase protection or password manager, although it may be more than enough for a normal user.

Link: karspersky

Free Panda Antivirus

Our latest proposal is the free version of the popular Panda antivirus. It is an option to take into account, since it offers some functions that we will not find in similar products, such as its VPN (only 150 MB, but something is something), guarantee of total privacy when we browse the Internet.

Free Panda Antivirus it is very easy to use and hardly affects the normal functioning of our computers. The negative part is that it has some limitations and contains a lot of advertising.

Link: Panda

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