Best free resume templates

  • A good CV is essential to make a good impression in selection processes.
  • Resume templates make it easy to create unique and attractive documents.
  • It is important to include personal information, work experience and skills in your CV.
  • Reducing your resume to one page increases your chances of being evaluated positively.

Best free resume templates

Having a good resume is the first step to finding a job. However, we do not always know how to properly approach its writing or what structure we should give it. Luckily, the resume templates They can be of great help when preparing a quality document that highlights our professional profile.

Let's see what tools and templates we can use to create a document that attracts the attention of those in charge of the selection processes. In a few minutes, you will have a resume ready that will not lack or have anything left over.

The importance of the resume

Although a CV may seem like an almost unimportant document, we assure you that this is not the case. It is essential for your profile to continue advancing within the selection process for a job offer.

The curriculum fulfills these functions:

  • Make a first impression. The way it is written, and the presentation of it, say a lot about you. So make sure it is taken care of down to the last detail.
  • Summarize your skills and experience. Its objective is to clearly and precisely establish what your professional skills and experience are. To give the employer an overview of your capabilities and the achievements you have achieved.
  • It is a personal marketing tool. A well-prepared CV helps you “sell” yourself as the ideal candidate for the position, highlighting the skills and competencies that you possess and that are essential for the job offered.
  • It is adaptable. You shouldn't have just one resume, but it should be customizable for different job offers by making just a few changes.

Free resume templates for your job search

The importance of the resume

The tools you use daily to create text documents are your best allies for creating a good CV. You can use the free templates for Word and work on them to create a unique document. But you can also use the Google Docs templates.

Although both the free Google Docs and Word templates are useful for creating your CV, the problem is that the format may end up being too similar to what other candidates will use. and we know that There is a lot of competition in the labor market, So what interests us is to generate a document that stands out from the rest.

A good alternative may be the templates that Microsoft offers us, which They are less known and, therefore, attract more attention.

You find a wide variety of them at your disposal to create documents such as invoices, payrolls, advertising brochures, etc. And there is no shortage of resume templates.

They are completely free, you can download them and edit them in Word. The best thing is that they show the information well segmented and in a very striking way, to make your CV something unique.

You can download free Microsoft resume templates here.

Canva Resume Templates

Canva Resume Templates

Even if you're not tech-savvy, you may have heard of Canva, a graphic design and image composition website that's especially popular. What you may not know is that It can also be a very useful tool when creating a resume.

On the Canva website you have different templates at your disposal to create a resume. Following the instructions of the platform, you can do the editing directly from it, and then download the document.

To make your work even easier, the templates are classified according to theme. There are resumes specially designed for university students, for actors, corporate type, minimalist, for students who wish to access a scholarship, modern, etc.

If you spend a little time exploring the resume templates that a platform offers, you can create a spectacular document that will ensure that your profile does not go unnoticed in the selection processes.

What is the essential content of a good resume?

What is the essential content of a good resume?

A template can help you with the aesthetics and distribution of information, but it is important that you fill it out with the correct data.

The objective is to create a clear and concise document that highlights that you are a good candidate for the job offered. Keep in mind that recruitment specialists see many CVs a day, so they don't want long and cumbersome documents. If you can limit your resume to one page, you have a better chance of being evaluated, but that does not mean leaving out important information.

The essential data that cannot be missing are the following:

Personal information

Include your name and surname and contact information, including a phone number and email (Make sure the address is serious, better if it is made up of your name and surname).

You can also include additional information such as links to your profiles on professional social networks, such as LinkedIn.

Do not include information regarding your marital status, your home address, or whether or not you have children. Because it is not something relevant.

Professional resume

Include a short paragraph talking about your skills, your experience, and your professional goals. It would be something like a short cover letter, but summarized in just three or four lines.

Work experience

Collect in reverse chronological order (from most recent to oldest) the jobs you've had. Indicating:

  • Name of employer.
  • Position occupied.
  • Dates of employment.
  • Main responsibilities and achievements.


This section appears in all resume templates, and refers to your formal education. Therefore, it must include the name of the institution, the degree obtained and the graduation dates.

You don't have to put your entire academic life into it. If you have a university degree or higher vocational training, It is already assumed that you have ESO, it is not necessary for you to indicate it.

You can add a subsection for certifications and additional training that is relevant to the position. For example, workshops or seminars you have attended.


Dedicate a section to highlighting your hard and soft skills. The hard ones are those of a technical nature that are essential for the position, such as handling certain software. Soft skills are interpersonal skills that can improve your performance, such as the ability to manage stress or work as a team.


If you speak more than one language, you can include a section to highlight it, or include this information in the section dedicated to training.

With resume templates, and knowing the information that you must include yes or yes in these documents, We are sure that you will be working sooner than you imagine.

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