The best video converter for Windows 10 is called HandBrake and it's free

  • HandBrake is a free tool for converting and ripping videos.
  • Compatible with multiple formats and operating systems such as Windows, OS X and Linux.
  • Allows you to add subtitles to videos, ideal for movie subtitling.
  • It has evolved over 13 years, now in version 1.0.0, adapting to new needs.

Unlike what usually happens in mobile ecosystems, where many applications are free, if we talk about desktop ecosystems, things change a lot, especially if we make use of the official stores that are made available to us by the developers of the different operating systems, either OS X or Windows. In the Windows Store we can find several applications that allow us to convert video files to other formats, but as a general rule They impose limitations on us without they are free or they are paid. But if we want to use the best software to be able to convert videos into different formats, we don't have to go that far. HandBrake is the solution.

After 13 years, in which this software has been in beta phase, it has finally reached version 1.0.0. During these past 13 years, many have been the users who have made use of this app to convert videos and rip DVDs, but with the change in trend, HandBrake has had to adapt to new needs and in addition to allowing us to rip DVDs, we can also convert files from any video format to another, including the formats used by different video camera manufacturers, manufacturers who should agree once and for all to always use the same format.

But in addition to converting video, HandBrake also allows us to add subtitles to video files, ideal for all those users who like to subtitle movies or series. HandBrake is an open-source project, so it isIt is available for download completely free of charge y it supports absolutely all available video formats currently on the market, so with this application it will no longer be necessary to install any other on our Windows 10 PC. Furthermore, it is also compatible with OS X and Linux.

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