Where and how to buy Windows 10

  • Windows 10 is the only operating system officially supported by Microsoft, guaranteeing protection against vulnerabilities.
  • The Home version of Windows 10 is priced at 145 euros, which many users consider high.
  • Purchasing from the Microsoft Store ensures a legal license and hassle-free updates.
  • The ISO can be installed from Microsoft, potentially using old licenses to upgrade for free.

Windows 10 has become the only operating system that currently has official support from Microsoft, so we will always be protected against any vulnerability that may affect our computer, so install this version it's the best we can do today.

If today you want to enjoy a legal copy of Windows 10, with all that this entails, once Microsoft stopped allowing free updates from Windows 7 and 8.x to Windows 10, we have at our disposal a couple of options, some more expensive and others cheaper that we detail below.

Windows 10, in its cheapest version, Home, has a price of 145 euros, a price that for many users can be excessive, especially if they did not take advantage of the free update offer offered by Microsoft. during the first year of Windows 10.

Buy Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store

Buy in the Microsoft Store It is the best way to acquire a legal license and without any subsequent problem, which can affect updates to our system.

Renew our team

If we plan to renew our equipment, we have the option to buy it with or without Windows 10 pre-installed. The price of the license of the computers where it is installed it is much cheaper than if we choose to buy a license in an independent way.

Have patience

If we want to use Windows 10 on our computer officially but we are not in a hurry, we can choose to install the ISO directly from the Microsoft website from the following link and wait for Microsoft to open a window that allows us to use a license of Windows 7 or Windows 8.x to be able to update our equipment for free to Windows 10 without having to pay a single euro.

Download Windows 10 ISO

It is one thing to buy a license and another is download the ISO with which we can make a USB executable or an installation DVD, so you can enter the serial number during the process.

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