How to change the computer wallpaper

  • Changing the wallpaper in Windows is easy and allows you to customize the user experience.
  • It is important to choose images with the same or higher resolution than the monitor.
  • Images, videos or GIFs can be used as live wallpapers.
  • It is possible to configure automatic changes daily or for a group of selected images.

Windows 11 wallpapers

Change the computer wallpaper with Windows 10 or Windows 11, it is a very fast and simple process that, in addition, will allow us to personalize our user experience with our favorite hobbies.

If you want to know all the steps to follow to change the computer wallpaper and all the options available for customize wallpaper of our team, I invite you to continue reading.

Choose a wallpaper

First and foremost, if we are still not clear on wallpaper we want to use is to search for the image we want to use. In Windows News we have a article that will help you find the wallpaper for Windows that you like the most.

The first thing that we must take into account when choosing one image or another is to know the resolution of the screen of our equipment. If we use an image that has a lower resolution than our computer, the image will be automatically enlarged and will lose sharpness.

But, if the image has the same or higher resolution than our monitor, the image will not be affected in its sharpness, so it is always advisable to look for an image that has the same or higher resolution than our monitor.

What resolution does my monitor have?

To know what the resolution of our team is, we must perform the steps that I show you below:

  • First, we access the options of windows settings (Windows key + i).
  • Next, click on System.
  • Within System, click on Screen (the first option shown in the left column).
  • Next, we go to the column on the right and look for the section Scale and distribution.
  • The resolution of our monitor will be displayed in Screen resolution. In the case of the example it is 1920×1080.

If it's a laptop, that's the maximum screen resolution. However, it does not mean that it is the maximum resolution that the equipment can offer by connecting an external display through an HDMI or USB-C port.

On an envelope computer, it's the same. If the maximum resolution of the monitor that we have connected is 1920 × 1080, does not mean that if we connect a 4K monitor, we cannot use that resolution. In this case, that depends on the graphics card and/or motherboard.

Change the computer wallpaper

Once we are clear about the resolution of our computer, and we have searched for images that have the same resolution, or higher, the time has come to use that image as a wallpaper.

Method 1

The easiest and fastest method is through the image itself. To use that image as a wallpaper, we will perform the following steps:

Change computer screen background

  • We place the mouse over the image, and press the right mouse button.
  • Next, from the pop-up menu that is displayed, we select the option Set as desktop background.

Method 2

Windows has always been characterized by offering a large number of options to the user when it comes to customizing it. And, changing the wallpaper is no exception.

If you want to know another method to change the background image of our computer, you can do it by following these steps:

Change computer screen background

  • First, we access the options of windows settings (Windows key + i).
  • Next, click on Personalization..
  • In the left column, click on Screen and go to the left column.
  • Next, click on Browse and select from the location where the image that we want to use as wallpaper is located and click on OK.

If the image does not have the same resolution as our computer's monitor, Windows allows us to adjust the image so that it expands to fill the monitor, use it as a mosaic, show it in the center...

Use a video as wallpaper

Videos wallpaper

If you don't want to use a background image, but want use a video or GIF file as wallpaper animated, we must resort to third-party applications.

En Steam we can find a large number of applications of this type, all of them paid. If we don't want to spend money, we can use the app auto wall, a completely free application available through GitHub.

Autowall allows us to:

  • Use a GIF as wallpaper.
  • Add a video as wallpaper. This option does not allow us to control the playback of the video, so it may not be a good idea if the video to be used is very long.
  • Use a youtube video as wallpaper.

Change wallpaper daily automatically

If we spend many hours in front of the computer, it is more than likely that we do not always want to use the same wallpaper.

The solution to this problem is to use an application that is responsible for automatically changing the wallpaper of our computer.


If we want to use different images, and we like the images that the Bing search engine shows us, the solution is to use the Bing Wallpaper application.

Bing Wallpaper is a completely free application from Microsoft that we can download through the following link. Every day this application automatically takes care of downloading the image shown by the Bing search engine and using it as the wallpaper on our computer.

Within the configuration options, we can:

  • See the name of the photographer and the location of the image.
  • Change the wallpaper to the one used in the previous days.
  • Enable daily image update.
  • Access the Bing search engine.

Change the wallpaper from a group of images

If what you really want is to use a group of images that you have downloaded as a wallpaper, this option is also available through the Windows configuration options by following the steps that I show you below:

Change Windows wallpaper

  • We access the options windows settings (Windows key + i).
  • Next, click on Personalization..
  • In the left column, click on Screen and we go to the column on the left.
  • In this column, in the section Background, click on the dropdown and select Presentation.
  • Next, click on Browse and we look for the directory / folder where are all the images that we want to rotate as the wallpaper.
  • Finally, in change image every, click on the dropdown and select how often we want the image to change.

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