How to change the date and time manually in Windows 11

  • Windows 11 automatically sets the date and time, which is beneficial for many users.
  • The automatic function may fail due to technical limitations in some cases.
  • Setting the date and time manually is a simple and accessible process.
  • Having manual control helps avoid issues related to time settings.

Date and Time

Generally, It is usually quite common for the date and time to be set automatically in Windows 11. In this way, it is much easier for the vast majority of users, so it is still an advantage. However, it is also true that this function may fail at some point, or not be entirely useful for everyone.

For this same reason, you may have considered manually set the date and time on your Windows 11 PC, and the truth is that this is something that can be achieved in a fairly simple way to avoid possible problems.

Windows 11
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So you can manually set the date and time on any Windows 11 computer

As we mentioned, although Windows 11 by default manually establishes both the date and the time on all computers, it is true that due to technical limitations it can sometimes fail, which can be something annoying. If this is your case, or for any other reason you would like to manually configure the date and time on your PC, say that you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Windows 11 start menu and click on the gear icon to access Configuration.
  2. Once inside, in the menu on the left, select Time and language among the different sections available.
  3. Now, disable the option called Set time automatically to be able to have control over the date and time manually.
  4. At the bottom, select the "Change" button that appears within the option Set the date and time manually.
  5. Configure the parameters to your liking.

Change date and time manually in Windows 11

Once this is done, You can configure the date and time of your computer as you wish, so you can have more control over it. Thus, you will have the possibility to avoid any type of problem related to this parameter.

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