So you can change the font used by default in Microsoft Word for Windows

  • Microsoft Word remains the most popular word processor on the market today.
  • You can customize the default font to make it easier to create new documents.
  • The default font is Calibri, chosen for its readability and compatibility.
  • Modifying the font can improve efficiency in writing and presenting content.

Microsoft Word

Although word processors are becoming more and more abundant nowadays, thanks to the incorporation of open source office suites, and other private ones (especially online-based), the truth is that Microsoft Office with Word continues to dominate the market Properly said.

However, being quite complete, there are certain features and functions of its version for Windows that not all users really know about. One of them, related to personalization, is the possibility of modifying the font or typeface used by default with each new document, something that can mean greater agility when creating new content with this word processor.

How to change the default font in Microsoft Word

As we mentioned, when creating a new document with Microsoft Word from scratch, using the blank template, usually the font is used Calibri (body), having been established by Microsoft as one of the most readable, compatible and adapted to all environments. However, this font can be modified and any other can be selected so that, when starting to write from scratch, the same font is used.

To do this, within Microsoft Word, you must create a new document of blank text. Then in the tab Styles (inside of Home), You will have to right click with the mouse on the style Normal and, in the list, choose "Modify ...", which will open a box to modify the style in question. Here, all you have to do is choose in Format the default font what you want and then mark below the option "New documents based on this template" and save the changes.

Change font used by default in Microsoft Word

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Once this is done, you will be able to see how if you start typing automatically the new font you have set is used, and most importantly, if you create a new document, this font will be kept as the default.

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