This is how you can change the format in which Microsoft Word documents are saved by default

  • Word documents are saved by default in .DOCX format.
  • It is possible to change the default save format in Microsoft Word.
  • This saves time by not having to manually modify it each time.
  • You can continue to save files in .DOCX format if you wish.

Microsoft Word documents

By default, for many years documents created with Microsoft Word have been saved in the format . DOCX, Microsoft's own, and previously in . DOC. However, when you want to save a document, the application allows you to select a multitude of different formats in order to make it compatible with other programs or so that you can use it for whatever purpose you want.

However, you may want to modify this setting for any reason, that is, set one of the alternative formats for the next times you decide to save your Word documents by default. In this way, you will avoid having to modify it manually each time and you will be able to save time.

How to change the default format of Microsoft Word documents

As we mentioned, if you wish, you have the possibility of modifying the default format of the Microsoft Word documents that you save on your computer. And, even if you make this change in question, you should know that when saving other new documents you will also be able to do it in . DOCX, since the list of saving options will continue to be available.

Microsoft Word
Related article:
How to configure autosave in Microsoft Word so as not to lose changes in documents

Be that as it may, to configure this, what you will have to do is access the configuration panel of Word. To do this, you will generally have to click on the "File" button which you will find in the upper left corner and then in the lower left choose "Options". When you do this, a window with a multitude of possible settings for Microsoft Word will be displayed. Specifically, you should go to the "Save" section on the left and then select the extension from the "Save files in format" drop-down list. file you want for your future documents.

Change the default format of Microsoft Word documents

Once you have chosen all this and saved the changes in question, you will be able to see how the next time you go to save a new Microsoft Word document, in the list of formats The one you have chosen yourself will have been selected by default, being able to choose another if necessary.

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