How to change screen resolution in Windows 10

  • Changing the screen resolution allows you to adjust the display of elements based on the content.
  • Access display settings by right-clicking on the desktop.
  • Select the desired resolution from a list of available options.
  • Changing the resolution is quick and reversible, making it easy to adapt to different needs.

Windows 10

Changing the resolution of our computer screen is not something we do often, although it never hurts to know how to do it. In fact, a large part of the users do not know how this is done. It is something that can be extremely useful to us on various occasions. Since at change the resolution of our screen we can make there are more or less elements in it.

So it is something we can do simply when let's go see a movie or series on our computer. Thus, we adjust said resolution based on the content that we are going to consume. Here are the steps to follow to do it in Windows 10.

In this case, to carry out this process we do not need to go to the control panel or the system configuration. It is a much simpler process in this case. We have to go to the screen and click with the right mouse button on it. Then a drop-down menu appears. One of its options is «screen settings«.

Screen settings

By doing this We go directly to the screen settings within the configuration. We could have used the system settings, but it takes longer. In this way, we are already within the settings. You will see that one of the options that we get is the screen resolution. It shows us the resolution we are currently using. Although we can click to change it.

Depending on the equipment and type of screen you are using, it will show you different resolutions. So it is a matter of trying and choosing the one that suits you best. So when you have found the resolution you want to use, you simply have to select it.

Screen resolution

Therefore, all you have to do is select the screen resolution and exit the settings. The resolution will be changed immediately after selecting a new one. When you want to return to the same one that was in the beginning, the process is the same. So it only takes a minute to do this.

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