How to change the owner and organization information of our Windows 10

  • Changing owner or organization information in Windows 10 is possible without reinstalling the operating system.
  • The process is done through the Windows Registry using the Regedit tool.
  • It is necessary to modify the 'RegisteredOwner' and 'RegisteredOrganization' values ​​in the Windows registry.
  • Changes are applied immediately without the need to restart the operating system.

Owner information

The installation of Windows 10 is very simple and the reinstallation process as well, but sometimes it happens that we get confused when entering the information and we need to change it. I mean data that we can mistakenly enter as the owner or organization name to which the team belongs, data that we may need to change for administrative reasons.

This problem can be solved quickly without having to wait for a fresh install of Windows 10 or from another operating system.

To make these changes we have to go to the Windows Registry and modify it manually, for this, we will use the Regedit tool. We open it and go to the folder

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

in it we look for the file RegisteredOwner, a file that will have the wrong owner information and that we can change by double clicking on it. If for whatever reason we do not have this file we can create it by right-clicking on the window and select the New option and choose the option String Value or String Value, we introduce the new name and press enter.

If we want to change the name of the organization we have to do the same as we have done with the owner information, but in this case we have to look for the RegisteredOrganization file, the file that will contain the organization information that we have entered in the installation.

Once we have completed the changes we want to make, we close Regedit and press the Windows button + the R key, thus we will open the Windows 10 information window with the changes made. In Windows 10, unlike previous versions, you do not need to restart the operating system for these changes to take effect.

In any case, as you can see, the process is simple and fast, not needing to reinstall the operating system on the computer with all that this implies.

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