OpenAI is preparing to launch a new and more powerful version of ChatGPT in the coming months. All the specialized media agree that the new artificial intelligence model, whose name will be GPT-5 Chat, should arrive this summer. Another new leap forward that promises to leave us with our mouths open.
The speed of AI development is truly dizzying. It was just a year ago that OpenAI stunned the world with the launch of GPT-4 Chat and we are already facing a new chapter. And although there are other proposals that are being developed in parallel (Google and Meta have launched their own GPTs with their own names), OpenAI's leadership is currently indisputable.
For this reason, it is important to remain very attentive to everything that is learned about this technology. If you already differences between Chat GPT-3 and GPT-4 surprised everyone, this new twist threatens to go even further. The process seems unstoppable and, what makes it even more dizzying, we are still very far from seeing what its limits are.
The jump from GP-4 to GPT-5
Let's start with the basics. GPT is the acronym for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, an artificial intelligence engine created and refined by OpenAI to push the different versions of ChatGPT. Each new edition of the chatbot runs on a new GPT, with more capabilities. This is something similar to what happens when a new processor is installed in a computer.
The GPT-4 chatbot is capable of provide answers similar to those that the mind of a human being could generate. It can also recognize and generate voices and images. All these prodigious capabilities could be nothing compared to what would come from the hand of its successor, GPT-5. Among other things, it will have an even higher degree of precision, offer better customization options and will be able to handle more types of content, such as video.
In other words, we are not looking at the launch of a version whose objective is to correct the errors of the previous AI model or to expand its possibilities. We are facing a true qualitative leap.
What will GPT-5 be able to do?
Chat GPT-5 is currently in the development phase. It seems that the most important work would already be done, although it would still need to be subjected to various security tests. During this process, a team of internal and external evaluators will test you for your strengths and weaknesses.
But the most interesting thing about this matter is the "training" of this artificial intelligence engine through a much larger than normal GPU. Remember that the GPU or graphics processing unit is something similar to a calculator that helps the AI model determine the connections between different types of data. For example, to associate an image with descriptive text.
The result is that GPT-5 will be a much smarter engine than its predecessors. It will certainly surpass GPT-4 in many aspects. Here are some examples:
- The GPT-5 database will be much more updated than that of GTP-4, which only covers events until 2021.
- Your analysis capacity is superior, as well as its response speed and fluidity.
- Can handle different tools automatically, including image generator From E 3 and the search engine Bing, responding at all times to user requests.
- It will have an expanded memory. That means you'll be able to recall past conversations effortlessly, ensuring seamless continuity in long conversations.
- It will give us more customization options. Its model adapts to the individual preferences and needs of each user.
All this is a provisional preview of the new possibilities of this AI engine. Until the day of the official presentation arrives we will not definitively know what we are really looking at. In any case, everything that is being known is very promising.
Chat GPT-5 Release Date
While is true that OpenAI has not yet set a release date for GPT-5, the official chronology of the company's announcements allow us to make some calculations and forecasts.
The key is that the temporal distance between updates is shortening with each new release. GPT-1 came out in June 2018; then GPT-2 arrived in February 2019; GPT-3 appeared in June 2020 and, only three months later, we witnessed the birth of GPT-4, in March 2023. Applying this model, it is not unreasonable to think that the next generation It could be a reality next November.
Courses to be an expert in GPT Chat
While we wait for the day of the Chat GPT-5 presentation to arrive, it is not a bad idea to prepare a little in order to get the best that this revolutionary technology offers us. We know that it is a tool that can make our lives easier, both professionally and personally. There are already many people who have signed up for courses to handle it with some solvency.
Although we have already talked about these practical courses in this post, here is a small summary:
- ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers Course, aimed at people who work in the world of computer design and development.
- Building Systems with the ChatGPT API Course, indicated for users who want to get started in the field of system creation. It does not require extensive prior technical knowledge.
- Functions, Tools and Agents with LangChain Course, to build conversational agents.
The potential benefits of these courses are enormous, if we take into account that it is a technology that is in full development and with broad possibilities for the future.
As a summary, it can be said that GPT-5 brings with it a series of significant improvements in many different aspects, from text processing to image generation. A series of advanced features whose main purpose is open new horizons in the field of artificial intelligence. We will see all this in the not too distant future.