How to check hard drive errors

  • The hard drive is essential for storing data on a computer.
  • Performance may be affected by hard drive errors.
  • Windows 10 Scandisk helps detect and fix disk failures.
  • It is recommended to close programs before performing disk analysis.


The hard disk is an indispensable part of our computer, because it is where all our data is stored. Being an electronic or electromechanical device (depending on whether we are talking about an SSD or a traditional ATA / SATA disk), its components are subject to wear and tear and the information can be corrupted.

If we have symptom in our team that when performing a specific action or opening a file the computer freezes or an unexpected error occurs, it is time to carry out a test and check hard drive errors.

If on any occasion we notice that the performance of the computer decreases significantly or a program hangs when we try to access certain files, the problem may be caused by hard drive errors.

We can correct them if we use the tool Scandisk which includes the Windows 10 operating system itself. With the analysis we can detect and correct faults that exist and ensure the stability of the information in the unit. The tool can be used for both local and external disk drives such as pen drives or memory cards.

As a general recommendation, it is advisable to close all programs before carrying out a disk analysis.

  1. We will start by clicking with the right mouse button on the Windows button and choosing the option of File Browser.
  2. Next, we will select This team in the left panel. this team
  3. We will click with the right button on the unit we want carry out the analysis and we will choose the option Properties. this-equipment-properties
  4. Then, in the Tools tab, we will choose the option Check. find out
  5. In versions prior to Windows, the user was often asked if they wanted to scan the system and correct errors or just perform a check. On Windows 10 this does not happen and we will only have the option to Analyze. Likewise, as a novelty in Windows 10, the unit where the system is installed can be verified without the need to schedule its verification in the next boot, and those others disks to be analyzed do not require disassembly.
  6. At the end of the analysis a summary will be displayed of the same and, if no error has been found, we will be notified. scan-correct

As you can see, keeping your disks and removable drives free of errors is now easier than ever.

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