Commands to take your first steps in the system console

  • The system console in Windows 10 allows you to run commands to perform various administrative tasks.
  • Using commands like CD, DIR, and COPY make it easier to navigate and manage files on the system.
  • Commands like CHKDSK and DEFRAG help maintain the health and efficiency of your hard drive.
  • Accessing system information is possible with commands such as SYSTEMINFO and IPCONFIG.

Windows 10

Most Windows 10 users don't usually use the system console. In order to make use of it we have to use a series of commands, with which we will have the possibility of carrying out all kinds of actions. Therefore, it is good to know some of the commands that we have available in it, in order to make better use of it.

Accessing this system console in Windows 10 is easy. We just have to type CMD in the search bar from the start menu. We then get this command prompt. In this sense, it is important that we run it as an administrator, so that we will be able to make all the desired changes.

As we have said, there are a series of commands that can help us when using this system console. Therefore, if you are using it for the first time, or you have been using it for a short time. These commands are good to know.

  • CD It is probably the most important command in the system console in Windows 10. The most basic. Thanks to it we can change directory with the structure cd <Directory Path> so that we can enter the folder or directory that we want.
  • CD.. If we add a colon to this command, we will be able to exit from a specific folder, so that we will be able to go to a higher level or system folder in this way.
  • CHKDSK: This command gives us the possibility to carry out an analysis of the hard disk and thus detect possible failures. In this way, the aim is to check the logical structure of the file system, in addition to repairing possible faults in it.
  • MORE It gives us the possibility to have access to the version number of the operating system that we have.
  • PANEL CONTROL: It will give us access to the Windows 10 control panel. Very comfortable, because in this version of the operating system the panel has been remarkably hidden
  • GETMAC This command is used to show the MAC address of our computer
  • DIR Allows the operating system to show the contents of the folder in which we are at that moment

  • DEFRAG: Starts the defragmentation of the hard drive on the system
  • Diskpart: This command of the system console allows to obtain a list of the disks that are in the equipment
  • Shutdown Shut down the computer directly from the Windows 10 system console
  • SHUTDOWN -R In this case, it allows you to restart the computer
  • Logoff It allows to close the session that is open at that moment, of said user
  • Systeminfo It allows us to obtain information about our computer or system
  • EXIT Thanks to this command, you will be able to close the system console window directly and thus return the computer to its normal mode
  • HELP A help command, thanks to which we will be able to see all the commands that we have available at that moment. A nice extra help

Windows 10

  • COPY FILE DESTINATION This command will give the possibility of copying a file to a different folder in the operating system
  • FROM THE FILE OR FOLDER Thanks to this command, it will be possible to delete the file or folder that we want, in which we are at that moment in a simple way
  • MOVE FILE DESTINATION It is responsible for moving the file in question that we have chosen to a new location on the computer
  • FORMAL WINSAT This command gives the possibility to analyze the performance of the system and its components
  • IPCONFIG Allows access to information that refers to the network connection
  • RENAME FILE: It allows changing the name or even the extension of a specific file in the location where we are on the computer
  • MD FOLDER NAME This command gives us the possibility to create a new folder with the name that we indicate
  • TREE FOLDER It gives us the possibility to show the directory tree of a folder in which we are or want to see

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