For many, the pdf document has been a security in the sending of documents or the printing of these that other formats such as docx do not provide. Currently pass a text document to a pdf document is something very simple. As simple as using the "Save as ..." tool in our word processor.
However What if we want to convert images to pdf document? How can we do it? Will we need specialized software? Will we get the same results?
Today there are two methods to perform this operation. The first one is make use of a web application, a remote application that we can access through its website. It is a very fast and effective method but many doubt its security and in some areas such as business, it is somewhat doubtful to use. The second method is use a Windows application, a graphic design application such as Adobe Photoshop or Gimp that will allow us to do this.
The first method is simple. First we go to this website and in it we choose the image format that we want to transform into a pdf document. Usually the format is jpg but there are other formats. This web tool will also allow us to combine several pdf files into one. This will be useful as we can convert several images to pdf format and then merge file after file into one.
But for many, uploading images or other files to an unfamiliar site creates a lot of mistrust. That is why there is the second method. In this case we are going to make use of Gimp. Gimp is a graphic design application that we can get in this link. Once we have installed this program, we only have to open the image with this editor and once it is open, we will File -> Export As ... and on the screen that appears we select the name and change the extension to ".pdf". We save it and we automatically have the image converted to a pdf file.
These two methods do not require large amounts of money or have computers with large resources. That is why they are two popular and effective methods for converting images to pdf documents. Do not you think?