5 ways to convert a WebP image to JPG easily, for free and without installing anything

  • WebP is an image format developed by Google, with efficient compression and transparency support.
  • JPEG is widely supported and reduces image size, but does not support transparency.
  • There are several online tools and extensions to convert WebP to JPG easily.
  • You can change the format using Paint, screenshot or simply by renaming the file.

5 Ways to Convert a WebP Image to JPG Easy

Converting files from one format to another is quite common when we work with computers. Although it may seem complicated, the truth is that it is getting easier and easier. If what you need in convert a WebP image to JPG, You will see that there are different ways to do it.

The best thing is that you can achieve that conversion quickly, with the highest quality, for free, and without having to install anything on your device. Don't know how to do it? Well, pay attention to what we tell you below.

WebP file and JPG file, what makes them different?

WebP file and JPG file, what makes them different

We are talking about two fairly common image file formats, but different from each other.

WebP file

This is an image format developed by Google. Its main feature is that it uses lossy compression to reduce the file size, without this implying that The image loses too much quality compared to the original.

It is used very frequently in the creation of web pages, since by subtracting weight it allows faster loading times of the web pages.

From him we can highlight:

  • Efficient compression. It uses a series of advanced algorithms capable of compressing images more efficiently than other formats such as JPG or PNG. This allows image quality to be maintained.
  • Transparency support. It supports images with transparent backgrounds and opaque backgrounds, making it useful for a variety of applications.
  • Animations WebP can also support animated images, similar to a GIF, but with a smaller file size.

JPG file

It is one of the most used image file formats worldwide. Applies lossy compression that reduces size, because it is responsible for eliminating information that is not easily perceptible to the human eye.

Of it we can highlight:

  • Compatibility. It is a highly compatible format that can be opened and viewed on most devices and software programs.
  • Variable image quality. These types of files allow you to adjust the compression level, which affects the final quality of the image.
  • Does not support transparency or animations. Unlike WebP, this format is only suitable for static images with opaque backgrounds.

How to convert a WebP image to JPG?

How to convert a WebP image to JPG

Each format has a series of advantages and disadvantages. As we have said, one of the main characteristics of JPG is that it is widely compatible and, precisely for this reason, it is possible that on more than one occasion you will find yourself needing to change a file from WebP format to JPG.

You have several ways to do it for free and without having to install anything:

Convert WebP to JPG by changing the name

In some cases it is possible to make the format change just by changing the file name. It's as simple as following these three steps:

  • Right click on the WebP file name.
  • Select the option to rename or rename.
  • Modify the termination “.webp” for its “.jpg”.

Convert WebP image to JPG with screenshot

This system works, but it does not always lead to the expected results, because some of the original quality of the image may be lost.

It involves taking a screenshot of the image in WebP format that interests you. On Windows you can do it by pressing the Print Screen button, while on Mac you must use the sequence Command + Shift + C.

This screenshot will automatically be saved as a PNG format, which you can easily convert to JPG if you need it. Although in most cases it is possible that the PNG will serve you directly.

Convert a WebP file to JPG using Paint

If you thought that Paint was no longer useful, it's time to change options, because it turns out that it is very useful for changing the format of image files.

Start by opening Paint and Find the WebP file you want to work with. Click on "Save as" and choose the format that interests you, you will see JPG among them.

Convert a WebP image to JPG with online applications

There are a large number of online tools that allow you to change from one format to another quickly and easily. Here are some recommendations:

All of these systems work very similar, and you don't even need to register as a user. You directly upload the image in WebP format, and they convert it into a JPG file that you can download.

The advantage of this type of application is that they allow you to change the file format quickly and without losing quality with respect to the main image. In addition, the vast majority allow you to work with batches of images, which It greatly speeds up the process if you have many files pending format change.

These types of converters also work with other formats, so you can make changes from HTML to JPG, from PDF to JPG, from X3F to JPG, etc You can even convert images to PDF or a Word document.

“Convert WebP to JPG” Extension

“Convert WebP to JPG” Extension

If you use Google Chrome as a browser, you may consider downloading the extension “Convert WebP to JPG”.

Once you have it installed, when you click on a WebP image with the right button of the mouse, the option to “Save image as JPG”. If you choose it, the file will be downloaded directly to your device in this format.

If you want to work with files you already have saved, drag them to the extension area and the app will automatically perform the conversion. This tool is in the improvement phase and will soon allow you to work with batches of images.

Other alternatives for similar extensions are Online UniConverter, Multiple Converter or File Converter. Although in these cases you do have to install something on your device, there should be no problem if you trust extensions from trusted creators.

Converting a WebP image to JPG is simple and fast. As you have verified, There are many ways to change the format. You can try doing it from your device or, failing that, try browser extensions or online conversion services. With all of them you will achieve a good result.

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