How to create Windows Update shortcuts in Windows 10

  • Windows Update is crucial for the security of the operating system.
  • Windows Update can be easily accessed from the Start Menu or the Desktop.
  • Creating a shortcut on your desktop allows for quick and easy access.
  • Users can pin Windows Update to the taskbar for added convenience.

Windows Update

Windows Update is an important part for many because without updates and bug fixes, the operating system is insecure. That is why many they try to have it on hand or near the main screens to act quickly.

Possibly many of you so far you have gone to Windows Update since the Windows 10 notification But there are other ways to access this item in Windows 10.

Create a tile with Windows Update

One of the fastest ways is to create a tile in the start menu like many other applications and access Windows Update through these new items. This can be created quickly.

First we go to Settings and then to Updates and Security. Once there, right-click on Windows Update. The option Anchor to Start will appear. We press it and we will have a Live Tile in the Start menu with Windows Update.

Create a shortcut on the desktop

Another quick option is to create a shortcut on the Desktop to have it handy at all times. For that we press with the right button on any part of the desktop and we go to the "Direct Access" option. Once marked, a wizard will appear that will guide us to create the shortcut.

First we have to introduce this text: «ms-settings:windowsupdate»Then we press the next button and write the name of the shortcut, which in this case will be called Windows Update, we can also call it updates or similar if we want to remember quickly. Once named, click finish and that's it. Thus we will have a direct access to Windows Update on our desktop.

However, to go faster, once created this shortcut we can anchor it in the bottom panel of Windows 10, using it as a dock but also running it quickly and without disturbing the Desktop.

These are the two methods that exist to create shortcuts of this element so important for some. Now it's up to you to choose which method to follow.

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