How to activate dark mode in Windows 11

  • Dark mode in Windows 11 improves reading in low-light environments.
  • Enabling dark mode reduces the power consumption of your device.
  • There are both advantages and disadvantages to using dark mode.
  • It is possible to further customize the theme and colors in Windows 11.

dark mode windows 11

Like Windows 10, Windows 11 also comes with two main options for its menus, settings, and other main interface elements: normal mode and dark mode. Jumping from one to another is simple, although accessing directly Dark Mode It's not always that simple. In this post we explain how to activate dark mode in Windows 11.

Making use of this mode is a question that goes far beyond the merely aesthetic. The main advantage of activating Windows 11 dark mode is that we will have a good reading solution in low light work environments. In addition to this, we must not neglect the fact that this mode requires a much lower energy consumption.

But before addressing the technical issue, it is necessary to insist that this is above all a health issue. Those of us who spend long work or leisure sessions in front of a computer screen know how easy it is for eyestrain problems and headaches. That is why it is important to take breaks to rest.

dark mode
Related article:
How to activate dark mode in Windows 10 from the context menu

Advantages and disadvantages of Windows 11 Dark Mode

Dark mode is emerging as a pretty good alternative so you don't have to stop using your computer and, at the same time, avoid the most harmful effects that come with prolonged exposure to the screen. These are the main arguments in favor:


  • Ideal when there is little light: The use of subdued colors and dark mode results in an interface in which there are much fewer glare and reflections. This is very convenient when we are using the screen in places with low light. Or, for example, when we use the computer or tablet at night (that's why it is also called "night mode").
  • Same appearance: Some users are reluctant to use this mode because they believe that the screen configuration will be less readable and more uncomfortable. It is an unfounded fear. With dark mode everything will be in the same place as it is in "normal" mode, only the background will be dark.
  • Saving: We must not lose sight of this argument, since it obviously has its importance. Using light mode, the screen emits light from almost all pixels, with the higher power consumption that this entails. On the other hand, with dark mode, most of the pixels are turned off.


  • Some risks to vision. Despite its undeniable advantages, the Dark Mode It is not a panacea: overusing it can cause eye blurring.
  • Readability. Most people have no problem using dark mode, but there are people who have difficulty reading on a dark or black background.
  • It does not work outdoors. Dark mode is intended for use inside homes and offices, especially if the spaces are not very well lit. It's not going to be of much use to us outside, with natural light.

How to switch from normal mode to dark mode

change dark mode windows 11

Now let's get to the practical issue. We are using our Windows 11 computer in normal mode and we want go to dark mode. What should we do? The process is very simple:

  1. From the Windows 11 desktop, we do Right click on any open space on the wallpaper.
  2. In the options box that opens below, and then we click "Personalization".
  3. Then, in the next menu, we scroll down until we find the option "Colors".
  4. On the next screen we select «Choose your way». The options offered to us are these:
    • Clear– White or light gray backgrounds and visuals.
    • Dark- Dark gray backgrounds and visuals.
    • Personalized: One mode or another can be assigned individually for each menu and application.

Color options

windows 11 colors

In addition to the choice of mode, it is possible customize the theme of our PC even more by acting on the color palette. We are referring to the colors displayed on Windows elements that need contrast to be visible.

Windows 11 selects by default a "accent color" depending on what the colors of the desktop wallpaper are. Everything so that the visualization is in any case optimal. If we want to put our own personal touch on this, we can select the "Manual" option in the drop-down bar on the right, as shown in the image above.

There we will be able to access the custom colors, by clicking on «See colors» to choose from an RGB palette. It is important to know that all of these options are purely aesthetic and will not affect the good performance of our computer in any way. Additionally, they can be deployed or undone at any time.

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