Disable or uninstall OneDrive in Windows 11

  • New EU regulations allow uninstalling pre-installed apps like OneDrive.
  • OneDrive offers online file storage, syncing, and collaboration.
  • Uninstalling does not delete stored information; it is still accessible on OneDrive.com.
  • Organizing files in the cloud improves efficiency and access to important documents.

Disable or uninstall OneDrive in Windows 11

Users OneDrive on Windows They don't always agree with the fact that they have to use the Microsoft cloud to store their files. Hence, there is a growing interest in deactivating or uninstalling this system when working with Windows 11.

Although until recently this seemed impossible, things have changed. The new European Union regulations prevent users from being prohibited from uninstalling programs and applications that are installed by default.

What is OneDrive and how does it work?

What is OneDrive and how does it work?

OneDrive on Windows is a cloud storage system developed by Windows. Its operation is very similar to what we can find in other services of this type such as Google Drive.

The Microsoft cloud allows us to:

  • Store content in the cloud. It provides us with online storage space to save all types of files, documents, etc. Always linked to the Microsoft account to regulate access.
  • Synchronize files. When you synchronize OneDrive with different devices such as your mobile or tablet, all files are automatically uploaded to the cloud and you can access them through any other connected device.
  • Access from anywhere. One of the great advantages of cloud storage is the possibility of accessing saved content from any device that has an internet connection. Anywhere and anytime.
  • Collaborate online. This is an interesting online collaboration tool with which you can share documents in real time and allow others to edit them.

Is it possible to uninstall OneDrive in Windows?

Is it possible to uninstall OneDrive in Windows?

Until very recently it was not. Even if you did not use the Microsoft cloud, you would have it on your device by default, without being able to uninstall or deactivate it.

Now, the European Union Digital Markets Law (known as DMA) It imposes on software and technological device manufacturers a more flexible configuration of their default parameters, and establish greater interoperability characteristics.

This, among other things, means that now we will not have to leave the apps that come by default on our devices installed if we do not use them. We can eliminate them.

The measure is affecting Microsoft, Apple, Xiaomi... and all those companies that offer apps and tools pre-installed on their devices.

In the case of Microsoft, this means:

Uninstalling and managing applications

We can uninstall OneDrive in Windows, but also applications like Cortana, Bing Web Search, or Microsoft Edge.

If in the future we want to have them on our device again, all we will have to do is install them from the Microsoft Store.

Microsoft account data management

Windows offers us the possibility of synchronizing the installation with a Microsoft account. This makes it easier for us to have our data available on other devices and products of the company.

Respect for user preferences

Windows 11 has become more respectful of our preferences when it comes to default apps. This implies that, for example, the links will open in our preferred browser, not necessarily in Microsoft Edge.

Improved interoperability and customization

With the new regulations, Windows becomes a more open platform, facilitating the work of developers when integrating their applications with features like notification system.

How to uninstall OneDrive in Microsoft?

If you have Windows 11, you can now uninstall the Microsoft cloud if you don't use it. That does not mean that you will lose the information already stored, because you will still be able to access it through OneDrive.com and from the app for Windows, Android, iOS and macOS.

To uninstall the cloud from your computer, follow these steps:

  • Accede to "Configuration" to view installed programs and applications.
  • Search for OneDrive.
  • Select the option "Uninstall".

That's how quick and easy it is to delete this application or another that is installed by default on your computer and that you do not want to use.

This option is available on both Windows 10 and Windows 11, which are the only operating systems officially supported by Microsoft. Therefore, if you have an older operating system, you cannot uninstall OneDrive in Windows.

Put your cloud in order

Put your cloud in order

A cloud like OneDrive is a great system for storing information, but it is common to fall into the trap. “digital disorganization.” So we end up having hundreds of files that are just sitting there, with no logic to their organization. This makes it difficult for us to search for documents or files that we may need and, at the same time, causes us to be saving information that we no longer need, which represents a useless consumption of storage space.

If you want to put your files in the cloud in order, try these tricks:

Create a logical folder structure

Create folders to categorize your files. Within them you can create subfolders for certain files.

For example, if you are writing a thesis, you can create the folder "Thesis" and within them subfolders like “Documentation”, “Writing” or “Reviews”.

Use descriptive names

Make sure you give your files a name that is consistent and describes them well. This will make your search much easier. In some cases it may also be useful to include the creation date or version in the file name. (draft, first draft, revised document, final version, etc.).

Use labels

In some cloud storage services it is possible to use colored tags or labels to highlight files visually. Thus, at a single glance, you can know if you are looking at a file of more or less importance, or if you are looking at a document in the preparation phase or one already completed.

Create a temporary files folder

There are files that you need occasionally, but that do not need to be saved. To keep them on hand, create a temporary files folder. Remember to check it periodically to move files as necessary. For example, If in the end it turns out that some do need to be saved more permanently, or to eliminate those that are not necessary.

Delete unnecessary files regularly

From time to time, check all your folders carefully and delete everything you no longer need. This way you will keep your storage space clean and have more capacity to save important files.

A cloud is very useful, but being users of Microsoft devices does not necessarily mean that we have to use this company's service. With this tutorial that we have seen, you can uninstall OneDrive in Windows and have only the cloud storage system that you usually use on your computer.

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