With the arrival of Windows 10, Windows Defender began to be included and enabled by default, Microsoft's own antivirus that will protect you from most online threats. This is something quite useful to avoid malware on your computer, especially considering that from the moment you install Windows until you get your own antivirus, if you want it, a significant amount of time passes.
However, the truth is that Windows Defender does not help in all cases either. It may generate compatibility problems with other software, prevent the execution of certain files that you need or that, broadly speaking, be annoying. If this is your case and you need to disable it completely, Defender Control will be able to help you a lot.
Fed up with Windows Defender? Find out how to control it thanks to Defender Control
In this case, it should be noted that Microsoft itself offer the possibility to deactivate this program temporarily, in such a way that it does not interrupt you if you wish. Now, the truth is that this function is not as useful as it seems since after some time the values can be easily altered. The problem comes when it comes to deactivating it completely, since it requires making changes to the system registry.
However, as a solution comes Defender Control. Thanks to this small tool that does not take up too much or consume resources, you will have the ability to customize Windows Defender whenever you want to your liking.
As can be seen in the screenshots, the application in question is very simple. With the first and the second button you can deactivate or activate Windows Defender again without the ability to change settings on your own, keeping complete control. And, on the other hand, if you want to configure it manually for some directories or similar, You can also do it by clicking on the menu of the tool itself, although the main use is as mentioned.