How to delete Windows recovery partition?

  • The recovery partition stores resources to restore Windows in case of failure.
  • Deleting this partition may free up space, but it carries significant risks.
  • It is essential to create a backup before making changes to the system.
  • Using Disk Management and proper commands is key to deleting the partition.

delete recovery partition

If you've gotten a new computer or have a clean install of Windows, you may have noticed that there is a partition that you don't recognize as having been created. This is the recovery partition, a space reserved on the hard drive by Windows and also by manufacturers, where all the necessary resources are stored to restore the system in the event of a serious failure. This section has various tools to recover Windows and sometimes, brands usually incorporate system images and drivers to restore them to the factory. Nevertheless, As it is a division that can be used to store files, many users tend to do without it. In that sense, we are going to show you all the steps to follow to delete the Windows recovery partition.

This process is somewhat delicate, since we are deleting the partition dedicated to recovering the system. However, if you are sure to do it to recover storage space, we will tell you everything you need to know.

Steps to delete recovery partition in Windows 10

As we mentioned earlier, deleting the recovery partition carries some risks related to losing the ability to easily restore the system. AdditionallyIt is noteworthy that we will be working from the Windows Disk Manager and this implies being very precise in each step, in order to avoid errors such as deleting an incorrect partition.

Step 1 – Create a backup

The first step in this process is a matter of prevention that we must carry out in any task that involves working with core areas of the system, in this case, the hard drive. In that sense, Creating a backup will allow us to have a backup of our files, in order to keep them safe in the event of any failure. 

Making a backup is as simple as using an external storage unit and saving the most important files or all the files you have in your session. PTo save everything in a single movement, all you have to do is follow the following path:

  • Enter Team.
  • Go to drive C.
  • Enter the Users folder.
  • Select the folder corresponding to your session and copy it completely to your storage unit.

Step 2: Enter Disk Manager

Next we are going to see the partition that we want to delete in the interface that the system offers for it: the Disk Manager. To enter this section, right-click on the start menu and then select Disk Management.

This will display a small window where you will see two sections: the one at the top where the available partitions on the disk are listed, and at the bottom, a graphical representation of how they are distributed. At this point we must highlight the two different recovery partitions that we can find.

First of all, we have the OEM recovery partitions, that is, those that are included by the equipment manufacturer.. These are very useful because they incorporate an image of the system and the drivers of the computer, so you can always restore it to the factory. In addition, they usually occupy a considerable space, of more than 2GB.

For its part, the Windows recovery partition is the one that is generated during the installation of the operating system. It has an approximate weight of 800MB to 900MB and contains files oriented to the recovery of Windows in case of suffering a failure in those that are in use.

Both partitions can be deleted, however, it should be noted that by deleting the OEM, the equipment warranty will be lost.

Step 3: Select and delete the partition

In the previous step we saw graphically the available partitions and their distribution in the system. Now, to remove the recovery partition, we'll use a native shell-based tool. In that sense, click on the Start menu, type Diskpart and when it appears in the results, run it as administrator.

This will open a window identical to Command Prompt, so it will look very familiar. Then type the command List Disk and press Enter, immediately, you will see all the disks connected to the computer listed. This is nothing more than the same information that we saw in the previous step. What we are interested in is validating the disk number assigned to the one that contains the partition that we want to delete, generally it is 0. However, if it is another in your case, you will only have to change this number.

In this way, the next command we will use will be to select the disk in question. To do this, type: Select Disk 0 and press Enter. The response to this command should be "Disk 0 is now the selected disk."

Now we are going to list the partitions present on the disk we selected. To do this, type the following command: List Partition and press Enter. Immediately, a table will be displayed with the partitions, identified with a number, just like the hard drives. The next step will be to select the partition that we are going to delete and for that you must write: Select Partition 0 and press Enter. The system will respond to this command with the message “Partition 0 is now the selected partition”.

At this point, we will delete the partition in question and for this you must enter the following command: Delete Partition Override and press Enter. After a few seconds, the partition will be deleted.

Step 4 – Go back to Disk Manager and extend the volume

When you go back to Disk Manager, you will see that the partition we just deleted is now listed as Unallocated space. This means that the process has been successful and now it is only a matter of Extending the Volume to take advantage of the space. In that sense, right click on the partition and then on the “Extend Volume” option in order to combine it with the one you are using at the moment.

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