Different ways to run an application in Windows 10

  • There are multiple ways to run apps on Windows 10 that go beyond the usual method.
  • The search bar and Cortana allow you to quickly find and open apps by typing their name.
  • The Run window is useful for launching applications if you know the name of the executable.
  • Task Manager and searching for the executable file are alternative methods to open problematic applications.

Windows 10

Our Windows 10 computer is full of applications that we use every day. There are applications that we use more frequently, and others that are not so handy. So we don't always open an application in the same way, which is logical. The reality is that we have several different ways to be able to run an application on our computer.

We are going to talk to you about this below. Because we are going to show you some of the ways we currently have available to run applications in Windows 10. So depending on the type of application or the frequency of use, you will find a way that suits you.

It may happen that the way we usually use to run applications does not always work. Therefore, it is good to have other additional methods, to avoid problems in case one way does not give the expected result.

Search bar

At the bottom of the screen we have the taskbar, and most Windows 10 users have one there Search bar or box, which belongs to Cortana. We can make use of it to run an application. We simply have to put the cursor in this search box and write the name of the application we want to run, or start writing it.

In a couple of seconds, we will get a list of those applications that match, in case there is more than one. All we have to do is click on the one we want to execute and in a matter of seconds it will open on screen. In this way we have already run an application on the computer. Simple, although it depends on the proper functioning of Cortana in this regard.

Run Window

Another way, which is used much less, when opening applications in Windows 10 is the Execute advantage. We can make use of it, although in this case we must know the name of the executable of the specific application. But, if it is an application that you use regularly and it is giving you problems when executing, this may be a good way to avoid this problem.

For that, we must use the key combination Win + R and it will open a system run advantage. In it we must write the executable of the application that we want to open. Being an executable, it must always end in the same way ".exe". When we have written it, we give it to accept and the application will run immediately.

Task Manager

Task Manager

Another method we have to run applications in Windows 10 is through the task manager. It works in a similar way to the method that we just mentioned before. To do this, the first thing we have to do is to open the task manager on the computer. It can be done using the Ctrl-Alt-Del key combination and selecting the administrator within the options that appear on the screen.

When we have opened it, we have to click on file at the top of the administrator. We will have several options and we must select "execute task". By clicking on it, a run window will appear on the screen, like the one we have used before.

So what we have to do now is write the application executable that we want to open in Windows 10. Once this is done, we give it to accept and that application will open in a couple of seconds.

Find the executable

All the applications that we have installed in Windows 10 have an executable file. There are no exceptions in this regard. Therefore, we can search for the executable of said application in order to force the application to start. To do this, we have to go to a specific route, which is usually the same on most computers. The most common is that these executables are in  C: \ Program Files or C: \ Program Files (x86).

Generally we usually have the operating system and the files installed in C. There may be users who have another drive for this, in this case, you must go to the drive where you have installed the computer applications. Once inside, you simply have to go to the folder of the application in question and find its executable file. You will recognize it because it ends in .exe. You double-click on it and in a matter of seconds the application will start working.

Using the start menu

Finally, a way that most users know in Windows 10 is by using the start menu. If we click on the start menu symbol, at the bottom left of the screen, the entire menu appears on the screen, and there we also find the applications that we have installed on the computer. Therefore, it is a matter of looking for the name of the application that we want to open.

This is a known method, although it does not always work the way you want. Therefore, there are times when we may be forced to use other ways to run applications in Windows 10.

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