Being fiddling with the windows registry it can cause all kinds of problems if you are not attentive to what you are doing. If you share your PC with others, you can prevent a less experienced user from accessing that important part of the computer.
Above all it can come in handy close the door to the windows registry when we share the PC with others. We are going to show you how you can control access to the Windows registry so that no one can "put their fingers" in it and mess it up, as one might say, brown.
Remember that it is very important that an administrator account is left on your PC that is not locked in this way, which includes access to the registry. If this is not the case, you may find yourself unable to access the Windows registry.
How to disable access to the Windows registry for Home users
If you have Windows 7, 8, or 10 Home, you will need to edit windows registry to make those changes. Before moving on to the changes, you need to know these two things:
- If the user account you want restrict access to the registry is a common one, you will need to change it to an Administrator. This will allow you to make any changes that are needed
- You will need to login as user if you want to make the changes and then edit the Registry while you are logged into your account
If there multiple users, you will have to repeat those two steps for each user. Let us begin:
- After logging in as the user you are making the changes for, open the Windows registry from start and typing "regedit" (you have here 3 ways to do it). Hit enter to open the record and give it the permissions to make changes
- In the Registry editor you have to navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System
- We create a new value inside the System key. Right click on the System key and choose New> Dword Value (32-bit). We name the new value as "DisableRegistryTools"
- We do double click on the new value created. We change its value from 0 to 1 and press enter
- Now you can exit editor Windows Registry
- Try launching the registry, and you will see the error on the screen
- Now you have to log out of that user's account, go back to the administrator, and from there change that user account to standard
If you would like to reverse changes, you need to log in again as that user by changing the account to administrator and opening Command Prompt (Windows + X) with administrator privileges. You will have to type this command:
reg add "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System" / t Reg_dword / v DisableRegistryTools / f / d 0
That command change the DisableRegistryTools value from 1 to 0.