Windows 8 was the launch of the new interface that would become one of the most hated by users, not for aesthetics or functionality, but because we did not have access to the classic start button that accompanied us since the first versions of Windows. Fortunately, Microsoft was able to correct its error in time, although it cost a little more than expected, and it released Windows 8.1 going back to the classic start menu of a lifetime. With Windows 10, Microsoft combined the best of Windows 7 and Windows 8 (the graphical interface) offering us aesthetically and visually more attractive than with Windows 8. An important part of the design is found in the animation of the icons that are shown in the new start menu.
According to the specifications of our PC, it is likely that these animations that are shown in the start menu are one of the reasons why this menu takes time to open and then runs erratically. Fortunately We can deactivate these animations so that the operation of our PC with few resources is faster. Next we show you a small tutorial where we teach you to deactivate the animations of the Tiles that are shown in the start menu.
Disable Tiles animations from the start menu
We can deactivate one by one the animations of the icons that are shown, placing ourselves on them and clicking on the right button to click on the option Disable the dynamic icon. We can also do it jointly through the Windows registry, for this we must access the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ PushNotifications and change the value of NoTileApplicationNotification in Hexadecimal to 1. If we don't find this option, we must create it as a DWORD value of 32 bis, with a hexadecimal value of 1 and with the name NoTileApplicationNotification. Once we exit the registry, all the animations of the system icons will have been deactivated.