How to disable various Windows 10 services automatically

  • Makes it easy to disable automatic Windows 10 features.
  • Allows you to manage telemetry, updates and Windows Defender.
  • Use BAT files to simplify the process.
  • Provides option to restore disabled features easily.


Many totorales we find on the net about how to deactivate various functions of Windows 10 that are installed and activated by default, and that especially in devices with more limited hardware, can become a real headache. Little by little Windows 10 is stabilizing, but meanwhile there are many reluctant to its novelties and automatic functions. We leave you a file that lets you easily disable telemetry, automatic updates, Windows Defender, pre-installed apps, and a few more things in the easiest way. Come in and we will tell you how you can eliminate these functions with a single stroke and so quickly that you cannot imagine it.

The file that we are going to provide you next is a text file called «deactivate.txt» created by a user of a popular Spanish-speaking forum. The first step after downloading the file is to copy the content and create a new text file (with notepad), we use the "save as" option and name it "Disable.bat".

Once created, we only have to execute it by double clicking on the file, we recommend that you save it on the desktop so as not to lose it among the documents. When executed, a pop-up will open that will ask us before deactivating each of the functions previously mentioned, we simply select, in the event that one of the functions we do not want to deactivate, we type: N + Enter.

The reverse is just as easy, if we have used this file before and now and what we want is to restore these functions, we will use the file that we are going to leave below, the steps to follow are exactly the same, but we will save the text file What "Activate.bat" instead of the name we selected on the previous occasion. Fast and easy.

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