Download the first ISO images of Windows 10 Redstone 2 for PC now

  • Microsoft has released Windows 10 Redstone 2 ISO images, available in English and Chinese.
  • Windows Insider membership is required to download images.
  • Available versions include Home, Enterprise, and Single Language builds.
  • Images allow you to perform clean installations of Windows 10 on any PC.


Microsoft continues to work intensively to improve Windows 10, the new and successful version of its popular operating system, as much as it can, and for this the members of the Windows Insider program have just published the first ISO images of Windows 10 in its Redstone 2 version. Of course, for now we must give you the bad news that it is only available in English and Chinese.

This is not a problem at all, although we can always wait for the ISO to be made public in Spanish or in another language. To download the two available and those to come, we must be members of the Insider program.

These ISO images are perfect for doing a clean installation on our computer, and for this it will be enough to download the image and burn it on a DVD or USB. From there we will only have to follow the steps to perform a new Windows 10 installation from scratch, let us remember once again in its Redstone 2 version.

Here we show you the Windows 10 Redstone 2 versions available for download;

  • Windows 10 Insider Preview - Build 14931
  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Enterprise - Build 14931
  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Home Single Language - Build 14931
  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Home China - Build 14931

This step taken by Microsoft is more than interesting and it is that we can finally do a clean installation of the latest version of Windows 10 on our computer, be it new or old.

Are you ready to download the available images of Windows 10 Redstone 2 for PC that Microsoft has published in the last hours?.

Download - ISO Windows 10 Redstone 2 (remember once again that you must be a member of the Insider program)

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