Dropbox for Windows 10 updates with in-app camera, notification view and more

  • Dropbox updates its app on Windows 10, improving file synchronization between devices.
  • The new user interface adapts to both desktop and tablet screens.
  • A new camera app is added for uploading videos and images directly.
  • Performance and background loading improvements optimize the user experience.


Dropbox is one of the most popular services from the cloud and is present in Windows 10 to have all the files synchronized through the different devices you have.

Now is when it is updated in Windows 10, after the last version of two months ago, to add camera within the app, a view for notifications and much more that below I will comment on each of its details.

Dropbox receives a good update on Windows 10 and in which we see below all its characteristics published by Rudy Huyn who works in the team of this version.

The Dropbox What's New List

  • Actions to revoke the copy, erased, move and renamed. When any of the actions are carried out, the option to go back will appear
  • Notifications view: allows access to all notifications in this view, including the previous comments, to be able to explore a folder that is not in your Dropbox
  • Transitions and animations- New transitions and animations for GPU-based pages from the new Windows 10 API
  • New UI for desktop / tablet: a new interface has been added for the desktop and tablet and it will be displayed when the width of the window is between 360 and 500 pixels. This new UI will allow users to reduce the size of the window a bit more and is based on the phone's interface.
  • New interface for search- All results include a visual distinction to separate two files with the same name. Another new feature is the ability to browse search
  • New button to add
  • The camera app to take videos and images and so on upload them to current folder
  • Comments are included in recent
  • The photos tab updates in real time
  • Better in performance
  • Improved background loading

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.